P. 103



                                                             A)  Spring flowers do not always have brightly
               Flowers have developed various mechanisms to     coloured petals as colour can vary between
               detect the arrival of spring, such as changes in   different species and individual flowers.
               temperature, daylight duration, and precipitation.
               These clues are perceived by specialised cells,   B)  While spring flowers can tolerate cold weather
               which then send signals to the plant’s internal   better than some other plants, they are not the
                 o      o   as t e   r ad a  r  t  .     o ers   t   only ones capable of doing so.
               controls a variety of biological processes, including
                o er    t  e.  s t e da s  e o e  o  er a d   C)  Spring flowers typically rely on the circadian
               the temperatures get warmer, the circadian       rhythm to regulate the timing of their flowering
               r  t       o ers  s reset   aus    t e  rodu t o    in response to environmental clues such as
               o   or o es t at  ro ote  o er deve o  e t.      temperature and light.
                dd t o a      erta    o ers are a so    ue  ed   D)  Even though changes in temperature and light
               by environmental factors such as the presence    can affect spring flowers, they have no effect
               o   o    ators a d s e     so    o d t o s          on their growth or flowering patterns.
               can also signal the start of the growing season.
               T e  rodu t o  o   o ers  s    orta t  or a   a t s   E)  Although certain types of spring flowers may
               reproductive success, as it allows for pollination   blossom at a consistent time annually, this
               and the eventual production of seeds. The timing   is not the case for all species and can vary
               o   o er     a  a so    a t t e   tera t o s     depending on environmental factors.
               between plants and their surrounding ecosystem,
               including the availability of resources for other
               species such as insects and birds. Overall, the
               dete t o  o  s r        o ers  s a  o   e   ro ess
               that involves intricate biological mechanisms and
               environmental cues.

                                                             A)  How Flowers Sense the Arrival of Spring

                                                             B)  The Magic of Spring for Flowers

                                ----                         C)  The Wonders of Springtime Flowering
               A)  is not involved in the process of pollination
                                                             D)  The Impact of Weather on Plant Growth
               B)  only acts as a simple timekeeper for the plant
                                                             E)  Adaptation Strategies of Flowers to
               C)  governs the timing of petal formation solely  Environmental Changes

               D)  responds primarily to light and dark cycles in
                 controlling flowering time
               E)  regulates physiological processes in flowers,
                 including the timing of flowering

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