P. 100


                T            The Village Lawyer                  ----
                                               ----                  -

               A)  and it was previously unknown in the art world
                 since the family who had had it since the 1900s   A)  Those who can’t stop themselves from crying
                 assumed it was fake                            may experience feelings of anxiety

               B)  but Brueghel was the most significant Dutch   B)  Some medications reduce the quantity of tears
                 and Flemish Renaissance painter, best known    we produce
                 for his landscapes
                                                             C)  Some people are suffering from dry eye
               C)  yet around 1500, Italian Renaissance influence   syndrome, where the eyes are dry and gritty
                 appeared in Early Netherlandish painting, while
                 the older style persisted                   D)  A lot of people have a tendency to feel better
                                                                after a good cry
               D)  and a number of paintings with spectacular fire
                 illustrations were attributed to him        E)  People in wealthier countries are likely to
                                                                repress their emotions
               E)  contrariwise, the painting also depicts peasants
                 standing in line with chickens and eggs as gifts
                 for the lawyer

                                                                  A)  this phobia can range from mild anxiety to
                                                                 severe panic attacks which can prevent people
                                                                from travelling by air
               A)  suggesting a negative impact of green spaces
                 on mental health                            B)  the longer a person avoids flying, the more this
                                                                fear may increase
               B)  providing evidence of the positive impact of
                 green spaces on mental health               C)  the lack of understanding of how a plane works
                                                                can also contribute to the fear
               C)  indicating no significant effect of exposure to
                 nature on mental health                     D)  with proper treatment and support, individuals
                                                                can learn to manage their fear and enjoy the
               D)  presenting conflicting results on the relationship   benefits of air travel
                 between green spaces and mental health
                                                             E)  the symptoms of aerophobia can include
               E)  highlighting potential risks associated with   sweating, shortness of breath, and a feeling of
                 spending time in natural environments          panic

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