P. 101


                                                             A)  COVID-19 was the primary factor leading to
                                                                increased levels of isolation in Japan
               According to a new survey, about 1.5 million
               people in Japan have withdrawn from society,   B)  the survey found that contrary to expectations,
               living distantly within the walls of their homes.   COVID-19 did not influence people’s decision
               These are Japan’s hikikomori, or shut-ins, who   to live an isolated lifestyle
               have been isolated for at least six months, as
               de  ed    t e  over  e t.  o e  eo  e  ust  o   C)  around 2% of people aged 15 to 64 were
               out to buy groceries or for occasional activities,   identified as hikikomori, with a significant
               while others don’t even leave their bedrooms. The   increase among those aged 15 to 45
                 rase  as  o  ed    t e   80s  a d o    a s  ave
               expressed increased concern about the issue   D)  with the introduction of COVID-19, people who
               over the last decade, but according to a survey   lived in isolation in Japan became known as
               conducted by the government’s Children and       Hikikomori, or shut-ins
               Families Agency, COVID-19 has                  E)  all of the respondents in the survey cited
                        . The survey found that nearly 2% of    COVID-19 as the primary reason for their
               t ose a ed    to     ere  de t  ed as hikikomori,   isolative lifestyles
               with a modest increase among those aged 15 to
               39. According to the agency, when that percentage
               is applied to Japan’s overall population, there are
               an estimated 1.46 million social recluses in the
               country. Pregnancy, job loss, illness, retirement,
               and having poor relationships were all common
               reasons for social isolation, but COVID-19 was the                                  ----
               top one, with more than a quarter of respondents   A)  while some shut-ins only go out for groceries
               mentioning the epidemic as a key factor in their   or occasional activities, others spend their time
               reclusive lifestyle.                             gardening

                                                             B)  while some shut-ins only leave their homes to
                                                                get groceries or do the compulsory activities,
                                                                others don’t even get out of their bedrooms

                T                      rub salt on the wound       C)  the phrase hikikomori became popular in the
                                     ----                       1980s, and officials have mostly overlooked
               A)  improve         B)  boost                    this issue during the last decade

               C)  worsen          D)  restore               D)  the Children and Families Agency of the
                                                                government estimates that there are about a
                          E)  descend                           million social recluses in Japan

                                                             E)  retirement cannot be used as an excuse for
                                                                social isolation; seclusion is an intentional choice

                                                       100                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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