P. 62
A) Studies indicate that psychological stress
weakens the immune system over time; A) The conscious process of reading, writing,
consequently, you become more prone to listening, and speaking skills in another
coughs, colds, and other bugs. language can make people more observant of
the intricacies of their first language; therefore,
B) Studies have shown that as psychological it also helps them become more aware of the
stress weakens the immune system, people differences and similarities between their first
are more prone to coughs, colds, and other and second languages.
B) The conscious process of reading, writing,
C) New research indicates that we become more listening to, and speaking in another language
prone to coughs, colds, and other bugs due to helps you become more observant of the
the fact that psychological stress weakens the intricacies of your first language; moreover,
immune system. it makes you more aware of the differences
and similarities between your first and second
D) Research has shown that psychological stress languages.
can weaken the immune system, and therefore,
we become more prone to coughs, colds, and C) As long as someone becomes more observant
other bugs. of the intricacies of their first language
considering the conscious process of reading,
E) Researchers have reported that psychological writing, listening, and speaking skills in their
stress may weaken the immune system and, as second language, they will be more aware of
a result, we are more prone to coughs, colds, the differences and similarities between their
and other bugs. first and second languages.
D) As the conscious process of reading, writing,
listening to, and speaking in another language
helps someone become more observant of the
intricacies of their first language, they become
more aware of the differences and similarities
between their first and second languages.
E) The conscious process of reading, writing,
listening, and speaking skills in another
language helps someone be more observant
of the intricacies of their first language;
furthermore, it also makes them more aware of
the differences and similarities between their
first and second languages.
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