P. 63


                                                             A)  It is inevitable for climate change to have
               A)  The protagonist in the story was torn between   devastating impacts although more serious
                 the desire to be different from anybody else   precautions are to be taken.
                 and the need to belong to a group.
                                                             B)  Unless more serious measures are taken,
               B)  The protagonist’s desire to be different from   it is inevitable for climate change to have
                 anybody saved him from the need to belong to   devastating impacts.
                 a group in the story.
                                                             C)  Devastating impacts caused by climate change
               C)  In the story, both the desire to be different   are inevitable since more serious measures are
                 from others and the need to belong to a group   taken.
                 ruined the protagonist’s life.
                                                             D)  If we take measures seriously, climate change
               D)  The protagonist’s dilemma in the story was the   will inevitably cause devastating impacts.
                 desire to be different from anybody else and
                 the need to belong to a group.              E)  Devastating events caused by climate change
                                                                are inevitable despite the more serious
               E)  The protagonist in the story was too indecisive   precautions taken.
                 about making a decision between the desire to
                 be different from others and the need to belong
                 to a group.

                                                       62                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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