P. 55


                       -    -

                                                              59.          2 2

               A)  I’m sure cousin Jeremy is so eager to listen to                                      2
                 your good old memories. Not me!             T
                                                                                            N       T
               B)  This is all very interesting, but I would like to
                 hear new ones.                                                        2   CE  ----

               C)  I am going to grab a drink, do you want me to
                 bring you one?

               D)  Sorry, but I need to go. I’ve just remembered   A)  It reaffirmed that rune stones existed in
                 that I have to wake up early for an online     Scandinavia during the early centuries.
                 meeting tomorrow.
                                                             B)  This was the first concrete evidence of rune
               E)  I am sorry to bring this up, but I have had   stones in Scandinavia during the first centuries
                 enough of your old stories.                    CE.

                                                             C)  These dates also demonstrated that human
                                                                settlement in the region started later than

                                                             D)  The inscriptions on the stone made it clear that
                                                                there would be relics dating  farther back in

                                                             E)  The runologists believed that the inscription on
                                                                the stone would significantly alter history.

                                                       54                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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