P. 52



                                                             double degree.
               A)  Basically, it is better to divide your goals into
                 simpler and attainable tasks if your aim is to   A)  Recent research has indicated it is likely that
                 achieve your target correctly.                 most universities would meet the all needs and
                                                                desires of a potential student who wants to
               B)  Generally, dividing your target into smaller   enrol in a dual-degree program.
                 and actionable steps helps you efficiently
                 accomplish your goals no matter how         B)  Latest studies demonstrate that not many
                 impossible they seem.                          universities are capable of fulfilling all the
                                                                demands of a future student who aims to have
               C)  Primarily, the easiest way to get to one’s target   a double major.
                 appropriately is to divide it into minor and
                 actionable steps.                           C)  Current studies have shown that a few
                                                                universities are able to satisfy the needs and
               D)  Overall, you will be able to find the best way to   desires of potential students who are interested
                 neatly reach your big goal by breaking it down   in two fields of study.
                 into milestones.
                                                             D)  A recent survey indicates that fewer future
               E)  On the whole, nothing is better than dividing   students who want to have a double major
                 your goals into simpler and attainable tasks to   may find an appropriate university to fulfil their
                 achieve them effectively.                      demands.

                                                             E)  According to the latest research, it is not
                                                                so easy for potential students to study two
                                                                different fields at the same time although there
                                                                are many universities to fulfil their demands.

                                                       51                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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