P. 44


                 2  -
                                                             A)  With its increased rate of success, more people
                                                                want to defend veganism.
               Veganism is a way of life that seeks to exclude
               all animal products from daily life. This is what   B)  Compared to a vegetarian diet, a vegan diet
               separates them from vegetarians, who basically   includes more vitamins.
               avoid consuming meat, seafood, and poultry.
               There is an increasing number of people who no   C)  Thanks to the adaptation to the vegan diet,
               longer want to eat animal products; they even aim   people have the opportunity to lead a richer life.
               to promote animal-free products. They think people
               shouldn’t kill or use animals to feed themselves.   D)  Because there are so many herbal products
               All the proteins, vitamins, and minerals needed to   available, veganism is highly well-liked.
               live and be healthy exist in the endless variety of
               plant life. The resources of the planet should be   E)  It suggests that it is not enough to stop using
               used to feed the starving people; they are used to   animal products but to develop alternatives.
               raise the animals, which are later killed to feed the
               richer nations. Vegans also strongly
               the idea that feeding animals causes serious harm
               to our planet and nature, so to protect people,
               animals, and the environment, more people should
               stop eating and using animal products.          T                           ‘stand up for’
                                                             A)  advocate        B)  forsake

                                                             C)  reject          D)  condemn
            2                                                            E)  disapprove
               A)  to stop the killing of animals for the purpose of
                 enriching those who are wealthy

               B)  to spread the word about the harms of eating
                 animals and using animal products

               C)  to preserve not only human life but also
                 animals and the environment

               D)  to make consumers decrease their usage of
                 animal products in their daily lives

               E)  to convince others that an existence without
                 animals is preferable

                                                       43                               Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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