Page 77 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 77

People & Society

                                                           51.  (I) Sociology is a branch that studies societies,
               49. - 51. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
                                                               and their external & internal relations while delving
               okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
                                                               into the reasons why societies change or preserve
               bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                               themselves throughout history. (II) Even though
                                                               sociology is traced back to the Ancient Greek
           49.  (I) Surrounded by Germany, Italy, France, Austria,
                                                               period, the term ‘’Sociology’’ was first used by
               and Liechtenstein; Switzerland, as it turns out, has
                                                               Auguste Comte, a French philosopher. (III) And
               been affected by its neighbors and has become a
                                                               it is widely accepted that one of the founders of
               multilingual society with four national languages.
                                                               sociology is Emile Durkheim, a social scientist from
               (II) In Switzerland, the most prominent language
                                                               France. (IV) He gained recognition by publishing
               spoken is German, also named Swiss German,
                                                               the outline of his sociological methodology in
               with a little over three-fifths of the total population
                                                               the early volumes of the book “Les Règles de la
               being native speakers. (III) As implied, the German
                                                               méthode sociologique’’. (V) His opinions in the
               language spoken by the Swiss is not identical
                                                               book, unlike Comte’s, avoided dogmatic beliefs and
               to standard German. (IV) This is followed by the
                                                               depended on empirical.
               French language with 22.9% of the total population.
               (V) And the remaining part of Swiss people speaks            A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV            E) V
               either Swiss Italian or Romanisch, a Rhaeto-
               Romanic language originating from Latin, as a
               native language.
                    A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV            E) V OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı

           50.  (I) Noam Chomsky is a linguist who had an
               invaluable impact on the field of linguistics. (II)
               While he was at the University of Pennsylvania,
               Noam Chomsky met with Zellig S. Harris, a
               linguist, who sparked the fire of linguistics in his
               heart. (III) As an academic, he worked on what
               he called ‘’Universal Grammar’’ which is still a
               valid theory among contemporary linguists after
               its announcement in the 1940s. (IV) But what was
               the impact Universal Grammar made in the field of
               linguistics? (V) It was the idea that humans have
               the means in their minds to acquire a language.

                    A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV            E) V

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