Page 82 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 82

Arts & Entertainment

                                                           21.   Modern Turkish theatre, emerging successfully
               19. - 21. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun      in the late 19  and early 20 centuries,
               şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz              spearheaded by pioneering playwrights such
                                                               as Namık Kemal and Şinasi, ----.
           19.   13 -century Sufi mystic Rumi, who wrote
                                                               A)  was largely ignored by audiences and critics
               poems about spiritual themes such as love,
                                                                  alike due to a lack of interest in theatre
               devotion, and compassion, is mostly known for
                                                               B)  was met with widespread disapproval from
               his effects in ----.
               A) the field of mathematics and his work on
                                                               C)  struggled to compete with the popularity of
                  number theory
                                                                  traditional Turkish forms of entertainment
               B) the development of modern medicine and his
                                                               D)  ultimately led to the decline of theatre as a
                  studies on human anatomy
                                                                  respected art form in Türkiye
               C) the field of astronomy and his discoveries about
                                                               E)  ushered in a new era of artistic expression and
                  the cosmos
                                                                  cultural development in the country
               D) the art of sculpture and his famous
                  masterpieces carved in stone
               E) the literary world and his insights on the human

           20.   Video games have emerged as a dominant  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
               force in the entertainment industry, with global
               revenues surpassing those of the film and
               music industries combined ----.

               A)  due to the popularity of classic board games
               B)  even though the graphics in most video games
                  are outdated
               C)  thanks to the increasing player base and
                  e-sports fans

               D)  because gamers prefer single-player games to
                  multiplayer games
               E)  since most gamers are very tolerant and helpful

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