Page 86 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 86

Arts & Entertainment

             31. - 32. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş    33. - 35. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
             bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi        en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                           33.   In addition to mastering the technical skills
           31. Shane:
                                                               of their craft, successful artists also need to
                 - Did you enjoy your trip to İstanbul?        cultivate a deep understanding of their own
                                                               creative process and the ability to express their
                                                               unique vision through their work.
                -  Absolutely. The Princes’ Islands were beautiful,
               and the traffic was good, hopefully.            A)  Without mastering the technical skills of their
                                                                  craft, artists can not be successful even
                                                                  though they have the unique vision to express
                 - Oh, the Islands are definitely great. But I do not   themselves through their art.
               agree with you on the latter part.
                                                               B)  While technical skills are crucial for achieving
                 Rick:                                            success as an artist, what makes them a
                                                                  successful artist is the ability to express their
                 -  Why not?
                                                                  vision and ability to communicate their art.
                 Shane:                                        C)  Together with mastered craft skills, having a
                                                                  vision to express the artwork and the capability
                 - ----
                                                                  to develop profound understanding of their
               A) Because only a lot of people live on the Islands.  individual creative process is what makes an
               B) There are a lot of bicycles and carts           artist successful.
                 everywhere.                                   D)  Successful artists must not only master

               C) Because there is almost no motor traffic there.  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  technical skills but also understand their
                                                                  creative process and express their unique
               D) The sightseeing was not that great.
                                                                  vision through their work.
               E) Because the fresh breath of air was amazing!
                                                               E)  In order to be an expert in technical skills of
                                                                  their craft, artists first need to develop an
           32. Kemal:                                             in-depth understanding of their own creative
                                                                  process and the skill to convey their unique
                 -  I just had an exam about the Turkish War of
               Independence. I don’t think I scored very well.    viewpoint through their art.

                -  Why do you think so? When I took it, it was
               really easy for me and I scored high.

                 - ----
               A) I have never heard of that before.

               B) The previous exam was very hard, you’re right.
               C) There were some questions I haven’t studied
                 because of the limited time.

               D) I agree, it was the easiest exam I have ever taken.
               E) Do you mean the one about the exact dates of
                                                       86                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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