Page 87 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 87
Arts & Entertainment
34. Unless the cinema industry adapts to the 35. The utilization of digital technology as a means
changing audience demands and advances of creating and displaying art has increased
in technology, it may face difficulties in dramatically in recent years, providing new
maintaining its relevance and profitability in the opportunities for artists to push the boundaries
future. of traditional art forms.
A) It is likely that the cinema industry will encounter A) The number of artists using digital technology as
challenges in the future if it doesn’t attempt to a tool to display their art have surpassed those
adjust to evolving demands of the audience and using traditional art forms since it provides new
keeps up with technological advancements. opportunities.
B) If changes in audience demands and B) In recent years, digital technology has been
technological advancements continue to evolve, increasingly utilized as a medium for creating
the cinema industry will need to adapt to and exhibiting art, opening doors for artists to
maintain its relevance and profitability. challenge the boundaries of conventional art
C) The cinema industry may face difficulties while
adjusting to the evolving audience expectations C) In order to create new opportunities and expand
and keeping pace with technological the limits of traditional art forms, artists need to
advancements. use digital technology as a way of creating and
displaying art.
D) Even if the cinema industry endeavors to adapt
to the changing audience demands and stay D) Although the utilization of digital technology
current with technological advancements, it increased, artists still continue to make use of
could encounter challenges in the future. traditional art forms for new opportunities.
E) Since the cinema industry fails to keep up with E) The application of digital technology caused
technological advancements and changing OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı artists to abandon traditional art forms and
audience demands, it will lose relevance and create new opportunities in recent years.
profitability in the future.
87 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.