Page 88 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 88

Arts & Entertainment

               36. - 37. sorularda, verilen durumda            38. - 40. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
               söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.              parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
                                                               getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
           36.   Today is your final exam. Your carefree and
               very irresponsible friend Ava advises that you   38.   Art is a diverse field that encompasses a wide
               skip class and go to the movies on the way to   range of techniques, styles, and mediums.
               school. The suggestion disturbs you, so you     From the early cave paintings of prehistoric
               answer her in a somewhat furious manner,        times to the contemporary digital art of today,
               saying: ----                                    art has been a fundamental form of human
                                                               expression throughout history. ---- Whether we
               A) You must be out of your mind! Are you aware
                                                               are viewing a painting in a museum, attending
                 that we have a final exam?
                                                               a live performance, or admiring a street mural,
               B) That’s an excellent idea. Let’s go to that new     art has the power to change lives and broaden
                 movie Natalie Portman played.
                                                               our perspectives.
                                                         OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
               C) I think we can take the class again in the   A) Unfortunately, being an artist is a hard way of
                 upcoming years.
                                                                 living and does not pay enough to feed a family.
               D) What an awful friend you are! Do not talk to me.
                                                               B) Art therapy is a growing field that uses the
               E) If we find a plausible excuse, why not?        creative process to improve mental health and
                                                               C) Art can create powerful emotions, challenge our
                                                                 perceptions, and inspire new ways of thinking.
                                                               D) Abstract art uses color, line, and form to create
                                                                 works that are not representational of the
                                                                 natural world.
           37.   The electricity cuts out while you are watching   E) Among many forms of art, music has been the
               TV, leaving the room completely dark. Your        most powerful art form since the beginning of
               sister claims that she threw the candles away     history.
               yesterday when you ask her to go get them
               from the kitchen. You get angry and try to make
               her solve the problem by saying: ----
               A) Why are you doing this kind of act without
                B) What was your problem with the candles?
                C) Then go and get it from the supermarket!
                D) No problem, honey. But how can we sit in the
                 dark until it comes back?

                E) I can’t believe that you’re my sister.

                                                       88                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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