Page 84 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 84

Arts & Entertainment

                                                           26.   How does “The Joy Luck Club” contribute to
               25. - 27. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
                                                               diversity in literature?
                                                               A)  It explores the experiences of Asian-American
                                                                  women and their parental relationships.
                   Literature has always been an important
               medium for exploring different perspectives     B)  It provides a powerful representation of
               and experiences. However, for a long time, the     African-American women’s experiences in
               voices and stories of marginalized groups were     literature.
               not represented in mainstream literature. This
                                                               C)  It explores the experiences of Jewish-American
               lack of diversity can limit readers’ understanding
                                                                  women and their relationships with their
               and empathy towards people with different
               backgrounds. One example of the importance
                                                               D)  It provides a powerful representation of
               of diverse voices is the novel “The Color Purple”
                                                                  Hispanic women’s experiences in literature.
               by Alice Walker. The book explores the lives of
               African-American women in the early 20  century,   E)  It explores the experiences of African-American
               and the struggles they faced due to racism and     men and their relationships with their sons.
               sexism. It provides a powerful representation of the
               experiences of marginalized groups, and has been
               praised for its contribution to the representation
               of black women’s experiences in literature.
               Another example is the book “The Joy Luck Club”
               by Amy Tan, which explores the experiences of
               Chinese-American women and their relationships
               with their mothers. The book provides an important   27.   Why is diversity important in literature?
               perspective on the intersection of race, gender,  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
               and family dynamics and has been credited with   A) It limits readers’ understanding and empathy
               increasing understanding and empathy towards       towards people with different backgrounds.
               Chinese-American experiences.                   B) It promotes a more inclusive and representative
           25.   What is the main idea of the passage?
                                                               C) It provides more opportunities for minority
               A) The history of diverse voices in literature.    groups to publish their work.
               B) The importance of diverse voices in literature.  D) It allows readers to escape from reality and
               C) The influence of “The Color Purple” and “The    explore fantasy worlds.
                  Joy Luck Club” on literature.                E) It challenges readers’ beliefs and values.
               D) The significance of race, gender, and family
                  dynamics in literature.

               E) The struggles of African-American women in the
                  early 20th -century.

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