Page 92 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 92

Arts & Entertainment

                                                           45.   Roald Dahl tarafından yazılan Charlie and the
               44. - 46. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
                                                               Chocolate Factory, altın bir bilet bulan ve
               anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                               Willy Wonka’nın eksantrik şeker fabrikasında
                                                               tur kazanan bir çocuğun büyülü hikayesini
           44.   Sanat, yaratıcılığı, empatiyi, eleştirel düşünmeyi   anlatıyor.
               ve kültürel alışverişi teşvik ettiği, yaşamlarımızı
                                                               A) Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
               zenginleştirdiği ve bakış açılarımızı genişlettiği
                                                                 tells the magical story of a child who discovers
               için insan varoluşu için esastır.
                                                                 a golden ticket and wins a tour of Willy Wonka’s
               A) As an essential part of the human experience,   unusual candy factory.
                 art encourages creativity, empathy, critical   B) In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, written
                 thinking, cultural exchange, enriches our lives,   by Roald Dahl, a child who finds a golden ticket
                 and expands our horizons.                       goes on a tour of Willy Wonka’s eccentric candy

               B) Art is crucial to the human experience, as it   factory, in this enchanting tale.
                 encourages creativity, empathy, critical thinking,   C) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, written by
                 cultural exchange, and enriches our lives by    Roald Dahl, tells the magical story of a boy who
                 broadening our perspectives.                    finds a golden ticket and wins a tour of Willy
               C) For human existence, art is essential, as it   Wonka’s eccentric candy factory.
                 fosters creativity, empathy, critical thinking,   D) Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate
                 cultural exchange, enriches our lives, and      Factory narrates the magical tale of a child who
                 expands our worldview.                          discovers a golden ticket and embarks on a tour
               D) Art is a fundamental aspect of human existence,   of Willy Wonka’s peculiar sweet factory.
                 as it promotes creativity, empathy, critical   E) The magical tale of a child who discovers a
                 thinking, cultural exchange, enriches our lives,  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  golden ticket and embarks on a tour of Willy
                 and broadens our perspectives.                  Wonka’s eccentric candy factory is told in Roald
               E) Art is essential to human existence as it fosters   Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
                 creativity, empathy, critical thinking, and cultural
                 exchange, enriching our lives and broadening
                 our perspectives.

                                                       92                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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