Page 217 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 217


                 IN-CLASS ASSESSMENT SAMPLE 12

              SUBJECT                  ENGLISH

              GRADE                    12

              THEME                    Technology
                                       E12.9.W3. Students will be able to write a description of a hi-tech product by
              LEARNING OUTCOME
                                       using linking words.

              COGNITIVE STAGE          Understand

              RECOMMENDED TIME         15 minutes

              ASSESSMENT TOOL          Concept Map

              WHAT IS EXPECTED         Students are expected to place the following concepts in the gaps in the concept
              FROM STUDENTS            map to form a meaningful structure.

                                       Each correctly placed phrase will be evaluated as 1 point. Since there are 10
                                       concepts in the concept map;
                                       10   1=10 points
                                       The highest score a student can get is 10 points.
                                       In the writing part, each criteria has a scale between 1-4 points. There are 8
                                       criteria, so the highest score is 32 while the lowest score is 8 points.


                                       Students who misplace the given expressions are recommended to revise the
                                       given words.
              FEEDBACK                 If the phrases are misplaced by the majority of the class, it is recommended that
                                       the teacher reteach the topic.

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