Page 30 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 30


                                                   RATING SCALE

                                 Very Good               Good              Average       Needs Improvement
                                     (4)                  (3)                 (2)                (1)

                                                  The map looks good,  The map does
                             The map looks great,
         Design of the map   and it is simple and   but it includes some   not look good, but  The map is not clear
                             understandable.      inaccuracies that    it includes a few   or understandable.
                                                  need to be corrected.  accuracies.
                                                  The presenter knows  The presenter     The presenter
         Knowledge of        The presenter knows   almost all of the   knows just a few   does not know the
         concepts related to  all concepts related to   concepts related to   concepts related   concepts related to
         the subject         the subject.
                                                  the subject.         to the subject.   the subject.
                                                                       There is
                             There is a division   There is a division                   There is neither a
         Group               of labour and        of labour but not    not enough        division of labour nor
         Communication       cooperation within the  cooperation within the   cooperation   cooperation within the
                             group.               group.               between group     group.
                                                                       The presenter
                                                  The presenter uses   does not use a
                             The presenter uses   a simple, but not    language that is   The presenter uses
                             a simple and clear   clear language, or                     a complex and
         Presentation                                                  simple enough
                             language that is easy  the presenter uses a   to be understood   incomprehensible
                             to understand.       clear, but not simple   by most of the   language.

         TOTAL SCORE

         The highest score that can be obtained from this rating scale is 16, and the lowest score is 4.

   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35