Page 60 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 60



                                                 STRUCTURED GRID

            The boxes containing the announcements at an airport are given in the structured grid below, and the
            questions are given under the structured grid.

            You are expected to answer the questions using the numbers in the boxes.

            You can use the same box as an answer to more than one question.

            When you answer all questions correctly, the highest score you can get is 50.

            The activity starts with each announcement’s being read by each different student in the class.

             1                             2                              3
             Good morning, ladies and      Flight GWR4040 to Moscow is    This is the final call for the
             gentlemen. Flight TR4080      boarding now. All passengers,   passengers of flight KLM1823 to
             to Paris has been delayed     please proceed to Gate T06.    Amsterdam. Please go to your
             because of heavy rain. Your                                  new gate. It is H14. The doors
             new departure gate will be                                   are closing in 15 minutes. I
             announced soon.                                              repeat. This is the final call.

             4                             5                              6
             Flight PLG3580 has been       Attention passengers of        This is the announcement for
             cancelled. Please get to check-  RTX5420! The plane is about to  the passengers of flight TK2130.
             in desks to learn about the   take off. Please proceed to Gate  Your flight at 9.00 is delayed
             details.                      B21.                           because of an accident on the
                                                                          ground. Your new departure
                                                                          time is 11.00. Your departure
                                                                          gate is the same.

             7                             8                              9
             Boarding for passengers of flight  Dear passengers of Turkish   This is the pre-boarding
             RTX5420 to Berlin is starting in   Airlines TK2023 to London.   announcement for the flight
             a few minutes. Please proceed   Your new departure gate is D18.  DD9568 to Munich. The
             to your departure gate as soon   Elderly and disabled people will   boarding time for people with
             as possible.                  be the first to get on the plane.  babies, small children, and
                                                                          people with health problems is
                                                                          12.35. Please proceed to Gate

            Read the announcements and write the correct number for each question. You can use each
            number more than once.

            I.   Which of the box / boxes do you see departure gate number?
            II.  Which of the box / boxes is/are for the delayed or cancelled flights?
            III. Which of the box / boxes is/are warning for departure gate change?
            IV. Which of the box / boxes do the disabled board on the plane first?
            V.  Which of the box / boxes is/are for the same flights?

   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65