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    ENGLISH  A strong command of vocabulary is crucial for success in English exams, and the YDT is no exception.

             By  explicitly  targeting  vocabulary,  the  YDT  underscores  its  necessity  to  improve  performance.
             Besides increasing test scores, a diverse lexicon helps develop a deeper understanding of language,
             which facilitates rapid progress and the comprehension of complex ideas in texts.
             In the light of these considerations, we are pleased to introduce Vocabulary for YDT, a comprehensive
             guide  specifically  crafted  for  those  preparing  for  the  exam.  In  this  book,  students  embark  on  a
             linguistic journey designed to enhance their mastery of English. Carefully structured to cater to their
             needs, the book is divided into eight themes, each featuring fifty words—ten nouns, ten adjectives,
             ten adverbs, ten verbs, and ten phrasal verbs. Almost all of these lexical choices have been drawn
             from previous YDTs, ensuring alignment with students’ expectations.
             The book’s thematic structure serves a dual purpose: providing a contextualised understanding of
             words while fostering a systematic and cumulative learning experience. The repetition of words in
             each theme provides ample exposure, reinforcing vocabulary acquisition within meaningful contexts.
             Remember, the thematic organisation is not intended to confine words to specific units. Instead, it
             is a deliberate strategy to repeatedly present them in a particular context to promote familiarity and
             confidence. As students progress, previously learnt words reappear in subsequent sentences and
             paragraphs, maximising exposure and solidifying comprehension.

             Each theme begins with a mini dictionary, offering definitions and example sentences to ensure
             clarity and understanding. After this foundational stage, students engage in a series of exercises
             meticulously designed to deepen their familiarity with the words. Word formation exercises spotlight
             prefixes and suffixes, empowering students to decipher the structure of unfamiliar words. Following
             them  are  collocation  exercises,  which  challenge  students  to  pair  words  harmoniously,  while
             subsequent  activities  prompt  them  to  place  these  collocations  in  context,  refining  their  ability  to
             apply them in sentences and facilitating a nuanced understanding of contextual word usage. The
             journey continues with a dedicated section on prepositions, providing concise definitions that can
             be seamlessly integrated into example sentences. Exercises that follow enable students to practise
             using these prepositions in sentences and then apply this knowledge to prepositional phrases and
             paragraph exercises. By employing a tiered approach, we guide students from sentence completion
             exercises  to  paragraph  completion,  providing  a  graduated  learning  experience.  The  book  also
             includes  idioms  and  idiomatic  expressions  embedded  in  engaging  dialogues,  requiring  students
             to infer their meanings from the context. This is particularly useful for the situation and dialogue
             questions in the YDT, which indirectly assess speaking skills through the use of daily speech and
             colloquial language.
             As students advance through the themes, they will encounter multiple-choice tests that challenge
             their knowledge of each individual theme’s words along with their various forms. Consolidation tests
             at strategic points ensure that their grasp of previous themes remains strong, while revision tests
             after the last theme solidify their overall comprehension, offering a holistic review. For convenience,
             QR codes have been incorporated throughout the book, granting students instant access to video
             explanations for each question, and can also be visited for additional
             resources, practice tests, and updates.

             We hope Vocabulary for YDT proves to be a valuable resource in students’ journey towards mastering
             the intricacies of English vocabulary. We extend our best wishes for their success in the YDT.

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