Page 15 - Vo
P. 15


        C. Choose the correct option.

           1.  During outdoor activities and fun at the park, you should remember to ---- the flowers to protect their beauty.
               a) rest on               b) set back          c) keep off

           2.  The manager of the football club has started to ---- a talented player to join the team for the next season.
               a) look for              b) cut off           c) take up

           3.  Due to the sudden power cut throughout the neighbourhood, the organisers of the festival had to ---- the concert.
               a) call off              b) rest on           c) sell out

           4.  One must ---- the tournament registration form with all the details before they can compete in the chess
               a) cut off               b) fill out          c) spring up

           5.  A cousin of mine has ---- painting as her new hobby in order to find joy in creating colourful artworks.
               a) taken up              b) kept off          c) looked for

        D. Replace the words and phrases in bold with one of the words given below. Change the form
           if necessary.

                             acquire                challenge                  differ

                 encounter               endure                 intend                 notice

                             prevent                 provide                 reinforce

           1.   Alyssa has a plan to spend the afternoon birdwatching in the local park, so she brings her binoculars and bird
              guide. ________________
           2.   Campers may unexpectedly meet wildlife such as deer, rabbits, or squirrels during their nature walks.
           3.   Watching films at home and seeing them in the cinema are not the same in terms of atmosphere and overall
              viewing experience. ________________
           4.   Museums offer a fascinating environment with different attractions and interactive displays for visitors to explore.
           5.   Amanda is going to learn some new dance movements to make her performance more interesting.
           6.   Wearing a pair of comfortable shoes can stop foot pain during a day of trekking in the mountains.
           7.   A school trip can give strength to friendships among students by giving them the chance to share adventures.
           8.   Janice’s backpacking trip by herself forced her to test her limits and discover her true capabilities.
           9.   As I practise my photography hobby, I pay attention to small details and hidden beauty in my surroundings.
           10.  Wilderness adventurers patiently suffer hunger, thirst, and extreme cold for a particular leisure experience.

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