Page 18 - Vo
P. 18


    ENGLISH  I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                                                                             5. The podcaster’s only content
                1. I was totally in the dark
                                              3. When you choose free-time
                                               activities, you should focus on
                 about yesterday’s costume
                                                                              of note is an interview with
                 party; no one had told me
                                               engaging, and, above all,
                                                                              hundreds of positive reviews.
                 about the change in schedule.  the ones that are enjoyable,   a famous author; it received
                                               easy to do.
                2. The event was all about     4. The guests were surprised as     6. Between ourselves, I heard
                 celebrating community spirit;   the fireworks lit the night sky   that the surprise guest for the
                 it brought people together    with their brilliant colours all   party is someone famous,
                 with lively music and delicious   of a sudden.               but the organiser has not
                 food.                                                        announced it yet.

                a. quickly and surprisingly    c. important, worth mentioning,     e. most importantly
                                               or well-known
                b. as a secret or private matter     d. having no knowledge of     f.  completely concerned with or
                 that nobody else should know   something                     focused on

        J. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                 above             alongside           besides           between               of

          Sports have always been a source (1) _____________ joy and entertainment. In ancient Greece, for example,
          people raced and wrestled in the Olympic Games. Then, during the Middle Ages, games like archery gained
          popularity. (2) _____________ the development of societies, sports became more organised with sets of rules.
          People created competitions like the World Cup for football, and it became a globally celebrated event. That is
          because sports have always served as a platform for social interaction and entertainment (3) _____________
          having benefits for physical health. Even today, sports bring people from different countries together through a
          common language. (4) _____________ the surface of simple games lies a deep cultural importance that connects
          people across generations. Overall, while sports have changed a great deal, one thing has stayed the same: they
          are still all about having fun!

        K. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

             accomplishment        encounter          numerous            provide          significantly

           Outdoor activities are a fantastic way to have fun and stay active while enjoying the beauty of nature. Most of them,
           such as walking in the park, playing sports, or hiking, (1) _____________ a refreshing break from the stress of daily
           life. These activities allow us to breathe in the fresh air and get sunlight.
           Participating in outdoor activities offers (2) _____________ benefits for our physical and mental well-being. It is a
           chance to move our bodies, get some exercise, and feel more energised. They relax our minds, reduce stress, and
           improve our mood. Also, they (3) _____________ strengthen relationships with friends and family and create lovely
           memories together.
           Sometimes, outdoor activities can be difficult, like when we are climbing a big hill or camping in the rain. But we may
           become stronger and more determined when we endure these challenges. It teaches us to keep going even when
           things get hard. These experiences show us that we can cope with difficulties and enjoy the benefits of our efforts,
           and they bring us a sense of (4) _____________ and strength.

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