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ENGLISH 1. Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 6. Orlando has ---- leisure centres, so it offers a
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
The biggest ---- in caving is finding your way
through dark spaces, but the joy of discovery
of all ages.
makes it a great adventure. broad range of recreational activities for people
A) dedication A) numerous
B) endurance B) substitutional
C) challenge C) arbitrary
D) perfection D) accomplishable
E) rivalry E) occasional
2. The dancers’ excellent choreography at the 7. Building one’s confidence through leisure
summer festival showed the ---- of coordination activities is a ---- process, so it is important to
and teamwork. start with small steps.
A) intention A) concerned
B) acquisition B) gradual
C) firmness C) prevalent
D) significance D) preventable
E) prevalence E) facilitative
3. The local art club organises a ---- among young 8. Trying a new hobby can make ---- changes in
artists to choose the most creative artworks. one’s social life, as it allows meeting others
with the same interests.
A) notice
B) competition A) inessential
C) reinforcement B) acquired
D) facility C) insignificant
E) difference D) noticeable
E) unchallenging
4. Light warm-up exercises before engaging in 9. The rise of technology has made it ---- easy to
sports activities are essential for the ---- of copy and share digital media like audiobooks
injuries. and films.
A) prevention A) incredibly
B) setback B) occupationally
C) repetition C) diligently
D) requirement D) unconcernedly
E) provision E) dedicatedly
5. A good coach should be a ---- professional 10. Some hikers ---- target new and challenging
with great knowledge and experience in his or routes in order to push their limits and improve
her field. their skills.
A) trivial A) significantly
B) different B) perfectly
C) brief C) intentionally
D) repeated D) promisingly
E) capable E) firmly