Page 19 - Vo
P. 19


 I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.  L. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given below.

                challenge          essential           facility          incredible         perfectly

           Engaging in leisure occupations is a good way to find relaxation after a(n) (1) _____________ tiring day of work
           or study. Gardening, for example, gives you a(n) (2) _____________ opportunity to connect with nature and feel
           accomplished as you care for plants from seed to bloom. Painting, on the other hand, is a captivating alternative
           to monotony because it can (3) _____________ self-expression and creativity. In the same way, playing musical
           instruments can provide a relaxing environment and an excellent escape from (4) _____________ tasks.
           (5) _____________, these hobbies can help you learn new skills, discover new passions, and meet new people with
           the same pastimes. They offer a variety of experiences that allow people to explore their interests, find joy, and lead
           well-balanced and fulfilling lives.

        M.  Read the dialogues below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                   Ruth: Did you watch the new talent show         Ron: Where is Ginny? I haven’t seen her
                         last night?                                     since last week.
                    Joe: Yeah, I did. The dance group             Sean: Well, she and her band are going
                         completely stole the show with                  on tour this summer. They’re
                         their amazing performance.                      going to play shows all over the
                                                                         country while they’re living out of a
              a    Ruth: From what I’ve heard, they worked   c
                         hard and practised nearly every day
                                                                   Ron: That’s really cool! So, she will be
                         for weeks.
                                                                         travelling and performing in different
                    Joe: Their dedication really paid off. The           cities for a while.
                         audience was captivated from start       Sean: I’m sure she’ll have plenty of stories
                         to finish.                                      to tell when she gets back!

                   Kate: Jasmine is the biggest social             Dan: Have you taken up any new hobbies
                         butterfly I’ve ever met in my life.             or done something enjoyable
                   Alex: Oh, really? What makes you say                  recently?
                         that? I haven’t noticed that she’s        Leo: Not really. I’ve become a bit of a
                         very sociable.                                  couch potato.
              b    Kate: Every time we go out, she bumps     d
                                                                   Dan: So you’re choosing the TV over
                         into some of her friends. She seems
                                                                         trying out some new activities, huh?
                         to know everyone in town.
                                                                   Leo: Yeah, that’s too bad. Rather than
                   Alex: That’s amazing. She must have a
                                                                         trying something new, I’ve been
                         large social circle here. I guess I
                                                                         watching my favourite shows.
                         haven’t seen that side of her yet.

            1.  to stay very briefly in several places, never unpacking one’s luggage   ________
            2.  a person who watches too much TV and does not have an active life  ________
            3.  to attract the most attention or appreciation in a performance      ________
            4.  a person who is very friendly and enjoys meeting new people      ________

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