Page 21 - Vo
P. 21


        11.  Hobbies  can  ----  influence  one’s  mental   16.   Some  people  have  the  opinion  that  printed
            well-being, as they provide an escape from          books ---- a better reading experience than
            everyday stress and responsibilities.               e-books.
            A) beneficially                                     A) signify
            B) competitively                                    B) repeat
            C) unendurably                                      C) notice
            D) unnoticeably                                     D) occupy
            E) incapably                                        E) provide

        12.  Since  acrobats’  bodies  are  highly  balanced,   17.   Public education facilities offer various courses
            they can walk ---- on ropes and perform risky       and workshops for locals to ---- new activities in
            moves and tricks.                                   their spare time.
            A) ultimately                                       A) call off
            B) affordably                                       B) fill out
            C) intensely                                        C) rest on
            D) essentially                                      D) take up
            E) confidently                                      E) set back

        13.  Printable  scorecards  and  game  guides  are   18.   Outdoor yoga sessions ---- more often in local
            available to ---- participation in the virtual      parks, as they offer participants a refreshing
            board game night.                                   way to exercise and relax.

            A) trivialise                                       A) look for
            B) afford                                           B) spring up
            C) substitute                                       C) keep off
            D) facilitate                                       D) sell out
            E) promise                                          E) cut off

        14.   ----  the  skills  for  a  career  in  graphic  design   19.   The  popularity  and  success  of  the  podcast
            takes years of dedicated effort and hard work.      series ---- the host’s interesting storytelling and
                                                                informative content.
            A) Enduring
            B) Acquiring                                        A) take up
            C) Encountering                                     B) call off
            D) Concerning                                       C) fill out
            E) Challenging                                      D) rest on
                                                                E) cut off

        15.   The event organisers tirelessly worked to ---- all   20.   Problems, such as with costumes or lights, may
            the necessary preparations for the important        ---- the start of plays by several minutes or even
            celebration.                                        hours.

            A) benefit                                          A) spring up
            B) reinforce                                        B) keep off
            C) accomplish                                       C) sell out
            D) require                                          D) look for
            E) rival                                            E) set back

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