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    ENGLISH      done or happening quickly;             conscious (adj)       to a very large extent; greatly
                                                                              dramatically (adv)
            abrupt (adj)
                                            having knowledge of or noticing
            not expected
                                                                               With global warming, weather

                                              Everyone should be conscious
              The abrupt change in weather
               affected the whole ecosystem.         about protecting natural              patterns are changing
            abundant (adj)                                                    drought (n)
           existing in large quantities; more      consumption (n)           a long time when there is not
           than enough                      the act of eating, drinking, or          enough rain
             The park’s abundant  wildlife         using something             During a drought, it is crucial to
             attracts visitors and            We should reduce our plastic          use water resources more
             photographers.                   consumption and start to use           carefully.
                                              alternative materials.
            accidentally (adv)                                                efficient (adj)
            without wanting to or planning to    contamination (n)           working well and not wasting time
             During their hike, the group         the act or process of making          or energy
             accidentally discovered a       something dirty or poisonous      Efficient recycling programmes
             hidden waterfall.                Chemical contamination of the         reduce waste in garbage
                                              soil can harm plants.            dumps.
            account for (phr v)
           to be the explanation or cause        crucial (adj)                emit (v)
           of something                     extremely important              to send out something such as
             The heavy rainfall can account        Saving energy is crucial for         gas, heat, light, a sound, etc.
             for the flooding in the area.       protecting nature.            Cars emit carbon dioxide and
                                                                               increase air pollution.
            amount to (phr v)                densely (adv)
           to have a particular total       with a lot of people or things         evaporate (v)
             The cost of the cleanup efforts       close together            to change from a liquid into a gas,
             for the oil spill amounted to         Gardeners densely plant          especially by heating
             $10,000.                         flowers to prevent the growth of        In deserts, water sources can
                                              unwanted plants.                 evaporate quickly.
            approximately (adv)
           about; more or less               destruction (n)                  extinction (n)
             Water covers approximately         the act or process of destroying        when a particular type of animal
             70% of the Earth’s surface.     something                       or plant no longer exists
                                              The destruction of habitats           Pollution in rivers, lakes, and
            awareness (n)                     endangers many plant and            seas can cause the extinction
           the state of knowing that            animal species.                of aquatic life.
           something exists and is important
             Raising awareness about         disastrous (adj)                 extract (v)
             recycling is essential for a          very bad; that causes great trouble       to remove or take something out,
             greener future.                  Forest fires have a disastrous        especially with difficulty
                                              effect on wildlife.              Oil companies extract
            closely (adv)                                                      petroleum from underground
           in a way that has a strong         disperse (v)                     reservoirs.
           connection                       to spread across or move away
             Trees and clean air are closely       over a large area          harvest (v)
             related.                         The wind helps disperse          to pick and collect crops, or to
                                              plant seeds and carry them to        collect plants, animals,
            collision (n)                     new locations.                 or fish as food
           when things or people hit each                                      Farmers harvest crops like
           other                                                               wheat and corn during the
             The collision between clouds                                      autumn.
             can create thunderstorms.

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