Page 29 - Vo
P. 29


        C. Choose the correct option.

           1.   The average temperature of the Earth has risen ---- 1 degree Celsius over the past century due to climate
               a) immediately           b) approximately     c) accidentally

           2.   Flowers are not ---- decorative; they serve the purpose of attracting pollinators and enriching biodiversity.
               a) closely               b) densely           c) merely

           3.   The photographer ---- captured a rare species on camera for his natural documentary while he was
               a) increasingly          b) accidentally      c) unfortunately

           4.   When you finish using electronic devices, turn them off ---- to save energy and reduce electricity consumption.
               a) immediately           b) dramatically      c) approximately

           5.   With the changing seasons, temperatures will ---- vary and influence the behaviour of plants, animals, and the
               a) densely               b) merely            c) inevitably

        D. Replace the words and phrases in bold with one of the words given below. Change the form
           if necessary.

                            awareness                collision              consumption

               contamination           destruction              drought              extinction

                             irrigation             precipitation            shortage

           1.   Deforestation and wildfires risk the lives of many species and therefore lead to the ruin of delicate ecosystems in
              forests. ________________
           2.   The crash of two air masses can cause the formation of severe weather events such as heavy rain and strong
              winds. ________________
           3.   Areas close to the equator typically experience higher levels of rainfall than regions near the poles.
           4.   Drip watering is a method that delivers water directly to the base of plants and minimises water wastage.
           5.   The pollution in the river is causing harm to fish and plants and puts them in danger of dying out.
           6.   Australia experiences periodic dry spells, and these affect water resources and agricultural activities negatively.
           7.   The workshop aimed to create an understanding of problems about the environment and encouraged
              participants to reduce plastic usage. ________________
           8.   A lack of food in forests can lead to increased competition among animals for nuts, fruits, and other essential
              resources. ________________
           9.   The careless disposal of electronic waste can cause soil and water pollution due to toxic components.
           10.  The campaign encourages responsible water usage to conserve resources and protect the environment.

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