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P. 33


 I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.  L. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given below.

                disastrous          efficient         evaporate          extinction        immediately

           More than one billion people celebrate April 22 as International Mother Earth Day. They (1) _____________ work
           together on this day to raise awareness against climate change and habitat loss. The day and their efforts remind
           us of the importance of protecting all ecosystems and species on our planet. Environmental organisations come
           together to call for (2) _____________ action for their protection worldwide. Climate change and rising temperatures
           jeopardise these ecosystems. They increase the frequency of extreme weather events, such as heat waves or large
           storms. They cause the (3) _____________ of water resources more quickly. Besides, they raise the risk of suffering
           a natural (4) _____________, such as a wildfire or a flood. Over a million animal and plant species are in danger of
           becoming (5) _____________ because of habitat loss. Scientists predict that without enough effort, the situation will
           become worse. To save our future, not just on April 22, but every single day, we must be conscious about protecting
           planet Earth and its natural resources.

        M.  Read the dialogues below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                   Julie: The paper says that disasters like      Mark: Have you heard about the oil spill in
                         floods, storms, and wildfires are               the ocean? It sounds serious.
                         getting more frequent and extreme        Clive: Yeah, I’ve heard about it. It’s truly a
                         day by day.                                     huge disaster.

                   Sam: Yeah, that’s right. Unfortunately,        Mark: What will happen now? Isn’t it
                         they’re just the tip of the iceberg.            possible for the ecosystem to
              a                                              c
                   Julie: What do you mean?                              recover? There must be something
                   Sam: The disasters are just part of                   to do.
                         a much bigger environmental              Clive: Cleaning up the oil and restoring the
                         challenge. I’m afraid we will face              affected areas will be quite difficult.
                         worse consequences if we don’t                  We’re really in deep water this
                         take action immediately.                        time.

                    Rob: I’m recycling my plastic waste,           Otis: They say some countries are at
                         but I don’t think it’s making any               higher risk of climate change.
                                                                   Moe: Yeah, Somalia is one of them. They
                   Jane: I see your concern, but don’t give
                                                                         face drought and food insecurity. It’s
                         up. Though it might feel like a drop
                                                                         a pity, but it’s not just their fault.
                         in the ocean, small actions can
              b                                              d     Otis: Right! We are all in this together.
                         make a big difference.
                                                                         All countries must take action in no
                    Rob: But there’s too much plastic out
                         there. Will my efforts really count?
                                                                   Moe: Totally, we can’t leave them to
                   Jane: Absolutely! Imagine many people
                                                                         cope with it on their own. We must
                         doing the same. It may not seem
                                                                         weather the storm together.
                         big, but over time, it’ll really help.
            1.  to be in or get into serious trouble                                 ________
            2.  to handle a very difficult problem successfully                                  ________
            3.  a very small, unimportant amount                                                   ________
            4.  a small, noticeable part of an actually much greater problem           ________

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