Page 32 - Vo
P. 32


    ENGLISH  I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                1. Individuals must collectively
                                                                             5. Despite the mayor’s repeated
                                              3. Some farmers were
                                                                              warnings about the pollution
                                               questioning the benefits of
                 take action to prevent
                 desertification and protect the
                 environment without fail.     organic farming, but they      without number, many
                                                                              people in the city still ignore
                                               changed their minds after all.
                                                                              the problem.
                2. The presentation on        4. The wildlife conservation     6. Industrial waste damaged
                 renewable energy went off     efforts in the region are sadly   the coral reef, and efforts to
                 the track when Alex began     below the mark, as they lack   restore marine ecosystems
                 to talk about his latest travel   government funding and aid.  began only after the fact.

                a. not meeting the expected          c. too many to count; very many    e. away from the main topic or
                 standard or level of quality                                 intended focus

                b. when something has         d. in a way that always happens     f.  despite earlier problems,
                 happened and it is too late to   in the same way or at the   expectations, or worries
                 change it                     same time

        J. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                  after             against            below               via               without

          Nature and what it offers to living things are essential for the continuity of life. Huge trees stand strong
          (1) _____________ the blue sky, and it gives many animals a place to live and people a peaceful place to relax.
          (2) _____________ fresh air and clean water, ecosystems’ delicate balance fails, and this affects all living species.
          Roots and soil form together (3) _____________ the earth’s surface to maintain natural order.
          Conservation efforts try to protect wildlife and keep the natural beauty of our surroundings. Responsible actions,
          such as getting rid of rubbish correctly and using sustainable methods, are necessary to keep the Earth healthy.
          (4) _____________ widespread education and raising awareness, we can create a sense of responsibility for the
          world that will last for future generations.

        K. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                abundant         approximately        conscious        consumption           spread

           From turning on the lights to taking a long shower, your choices in your daily routine affect the environment.
           A carbon footprint is the simple way to calculate this impact. It is the total amount of greenhouse gases in the
           atmosphere as a result of human activities. Our energy, food, or fuel (1) _____________ habits significantly
           contribute to these emissions. This assessment is crucial for understanding the size of the negative effects of human
           activities on nature. For example, experts think a person’s global average carbon footprint is (2) _____________
           4 metric tonnes. However, in the United States, the national average amounts to 16 metric tonnes and is one of the
           highest rates in the world.
           Fortunately, people are becoming more (3) _____________ of their environmental impact day by day. They
           increasingly understand the importance of reducing their carbon footprint and look into ways to protect the planet for
           the next generations. Eco-friendly practices have become necessary and have started to (4) _____________ among
           communities worldwide.

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