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P. 27
immediately (adv) merely (adv) scale down (phr v)
now or without waiting or thinking; just; only to reduce something in size,
at once The government’s efforts were amount, or production
If you spot signs of a tornado, not merely for nature but also We will scale down our energy
get to safety immediately. for future generations. consumption with power-saving
increasingly (adv) nurture (v)
more and more to care for and protect somebody shortage (n)
Pollution levels are rising or something while they are when there is not enough of
increasingly in industrial urban growing and developing something
areas. The gardener takes great care Water shortages are a growing
to nurture the flowers in the concern worldwide.
inevitably (adv) garden.
in a way that one cannot escape spread (v)
Climate change will inevitably precipitation (n) to reach more people or places;
cause more severe natural rain or snow that falls to the to make something do this
disasters. ground The wildfire quickly spread
The region experienced heavy across the whole forest.
irrigation (n) precipitation during the rainy
the practice of supplying water to season. stem from (phr v)
land for growing food to start or develop as the result of
Farmers use irrigation to predictable (adj) something
provide water to their crops happening or behaving in a way Environmental problems often
during dry periods. that one expects stem from human actions.
Birds’ journey to warmer places
jeopardise (v) is a predictable phenomenon; it strike (v)
to risk harming or destroying occurs every year. to hit or attack suddenly
something or somebody Lightning struck the tree with a
Air and water pollution can put forward (phr v) loud crack.
jeopardise the health of local to suggest something
wildlife. Environmentalists put forward a take away (phr v)
plan to protect endangered to cause something to no longer
lead to (phr v) species. exist; to remove
to cause something to happen or Forest fires can take away the
exist put out (phr v) natural habitat of many species.
Plastic waste leads to a more to stop a fire
polluted environment. The park guards and firefighters unfortunately (adv)
worked together to put out the with disappointment; regrettably
look into (phr v) forest fire. Unfortunately, our planet
to study or try to acquire is facing many environmental
information about something release (v) challenges.
We need to look into the to let a person or an animal go free
pollution problem in our The wildlife organisation visible (adj)
neighbourhood. released rehabilitated birds into able to be seen
their natural habitat. The mountain range was visible
massive (adj) from kilometres away.
very large in size, amount, or run out (phr v)
number to finish, use, or sell all of vulnerable (adj)
The massive wildfire destroyed something until there is none left open to attack or damage
the whole forest and left black, People must use water We should protect vulnerable
empty land. carefully, or it will run out in the ecosystems from further harm.
dry season.