Page 31 - Vo
P. 31


 E. Complete the table below with the correct forms of the words.  H. Study the words and their meanings. Then use these words to complete the sentences below.
           below                                             against
        [1] in a lower position than                     [1] in struggle with; in an opposite direction to
             Tree roots grow below the earth’s surface.        Salmons were swimming against the current.
        [2] lower than                                   [2] as protection from
              Reforestation rates are below intended targets.       The ozone layer acts against harmful UV rays.
        [3] less than                                    [3] in order to stop
             Temperatures below zero are freezing.            We must plant trees against the heavy deforestation.
        [4] to the south of                              [4] contrary to
             The Grand Canyon is below Utah.                  Overfishing is against environmental laws.
            after                                        [5] in contrast to
        [1] later than                                        The green forest stood out against the city’s ugliness.
             The riverbanks flooded after the rainy season.  [6] opposed to; not in favour of
        [2] behind                                            Citizens are against the building of the new dam.
              A frog dived into the lake, and another jumped after it.  [7] in competition with
        [3] next to; following (in order or importance)       We should race against time to save our planet.
             The economy comes after environmental well-being.  [8] in preparation for
        [4] in contrast to                                     Ants always store food against winter.
             The air felt fresh in the forest after the city’s pollution.   off
        [5] as a result of; because of                   [1] down or away from
           Bird populations increased after wetland restoration.       The mountain goats were 100 metres off the summit.
        [6] in spite of                                  [2] away from (seawards)
              After the storm, the town stayed undamaged.        A research vessel went missing off the isles of Scilly.
        [7] trying to find or catch                      [3] less than (a price)
              Scientists are after solutions to climate change.       We sell low-energy bulbs at 25% off the usual price.
        [8] in the same style as                             across
             This eco-artwork is a painting after Picasso.  [1] from one side to the other of
            without                                           We placed recycling bins across the park.
        [1] not having, lacking in                       [2] on the other side of
             Camels can endure several weeks without food.        A pine forest lies across the river.
        [2] free from                                    [3] in every part of
             We want to live in a world without pollution.        Sea levels are rising across coastal areas.
        [3] not in the company of                            via
              I am going to the climate conference without Lee.  [1] by way of
        [4] not, while not, or after not
                                                               Birds travel south via the same route every year.
             We must not dispose of our waste without sorting it.  [2] using; by means of
        [5] not using                                          Plants produce oxygen via photosynthesis.
              It is hard to stop climate change without renewables.

           1.   The alpha wolf led the way, and the other members of the pack walked __________ him in a line.
           2.   Eco-friendly lawns can stay in excellent condition __________ any requirement for watering.
           3.   The Environment Agency built a weather station on an island __________ the coast of Scotland.
           4.   Some people are __________ the use of pesticides in farming because they can harm wildlife.
           5.   __________ the Black Sea, Türkiye provides a favourable environment for many species.
           6.   One can reduce his or her carbon footprint __________ public transportation and cycling.
           7.   After the rain, a rainbow stretched __________ the blue sky, and it filled the air with bright colours.
           8.   The city experienced reduced plastic waste __________ the ban on plastic bags started.
           9.   The coral reefs provide a habitat for marine species and a barrier __________ coastal erosion.
           10.  We cannot donate to the environmental cause at the moment, as we are __________ money.
           11.  Heavy rainfall has caused flooding and damage __________ numerous agricultural areas.
           12.  Biodiversity is decreasing __________ sustainable levels in many ecosystems around the globe.

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