Page 35 - Vo
P. 35
11. We can reduce waste via good recycling 16. Urban green spaces ---- biodiversity in cities by
methods and by ---- choosing products with providing habitats for birds, insects, and other
less packaging. wildlife.
A) destructively A) nurture
B) accidentally B) destroy
C) consciously C) affect
D) unfortunately D) strike
E) closely E) emit
12. The drought ended ---- when a sudden, heavy 17. The destruction of our environment often ----
rainfall restored the water levels and helped human actions, so we must take responsibility
the plants grow again. to protect it.
A) crucially A) accounts for
B) decreasingly B) amounts to
C) abruptly C) scales down
D) consumingly D) stems from
E) abundantly E) puts out
13. Farmers usually ---- grapes early in the morning 18. According to experts, the yearly damage to the
and keep them cool not to lose their natural world economy by poor recycling practices ----
flavours. $500 billion.
A) predict A) looks into
B) harvest B) runs out
C) consume C) puts forward
D) contaminate D) takes away
E) spread E) amounts to
14. Using pesticides without following the right 19. Ecologists often ---- realistic solutions to cope
safety steps can ---- the well-being of pollinators with climate change and improve sustainability.
like bees and butterflies.
A) take away
A) disperse B) put forward
B) irrigate C) run out
C) jeopardise D) account for
D) extract E) lead to
E) release
15. Because of the extreme heat and dry climate, 20. Due to lava and ashfall, volcanic eruptions can
the water in desert pools ---- very quickly. ---- tragic events and risk the lives of people.
A) increases A) lead to
B) strikes B) look into
C) collides C) scale down
D) irrigates D) put out
E) evaporates E) stem from