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    ENGLISH      to happen or exist while              constant (adj)         to feel better after an illness
                                                                              get over (phr v)
            accompany (v)
                                            happening a lot or all the time
            something else is happening

                                                                               You can get over the flu in a
                                              My daughter was in constant
              A fever may accompany a sore
              throat and a viral infection.       pain because of her toothache.         few days if you rest and take
                                                                               the right medicine.
                                             detect (v)
            adversely (adv)                 to discover or notice something    give up (phr v)
           in a way that has a negative or          The doctor used a thermometer       to stop doing or consuming
           harmful effect                     to detect the patient’s fever.     something
             A poor diet can adversely affect                                  It is never too late to give up
             a person’s well-being.          detrimental (adj)                 unhealthy habits for a better
                                            causing harm or damage             and longer life.
            alleviate (v)                     Consuming too much caffeine
            to make pain or suffering less       can be detrimental to one’s        inadequate (adj)
             The doctor advised a warm           sleep quality.              not enough or not good enough
             compress to alleviate the                                         Inadequate amounts of sleep
             muscle pain.                    disorder (n)                      can have negative physical and
                                            a mental or physical illness       mental effects.
            avoid (v)                         Eating disorders can make it
           to try not to do or have something         difficult to enjoy food and      indirectly (adv)
           of something                       mealtimes.                     in a way not straightly connected
             You should avoid sugary drinks                                    Good oral hygiene indirectly
             to protect your dental health.    diverse (adj)                   contributes to better
                                            involving many different types of         heart health.
            boost (v)                       things
           to increase or improve something      A diverse diet rich in vitamins       instantly (adv)
             Eating fruits and vegetables can         and minerals is important for       immediately
             boost your overall health.       overall health.                  Chewing mint gum can instantly
                                                                               freshen your breath after a
            break down (phr v)               effectively (adv)                 meal.
           to become very bad               in a way that produces the result
             George’s health broke down         that one wants                intake (n)
             after months of stress and        Regular exercise can help          an act of taking food, drink, etc.
             overwork.                        individuals effectively keep a       into the body
                                              healthy weight.                  An inadequate intake of
            bring down (phr v)                                                 vitamins can lead to some
           to cause something to become        excessive (adj)                 health problems.
           less                             too much or too great
             Doctors advise patients to bring        Excessive sugar consumption       keep up (phr v)
             down their cholesterol levels           can cause obesity and diabetes.     to continue doing something
             with diet.                                                        Do not forget to keep up good
                                             frequently (adv)                  hygiene practices to protect
            cautiously (adv)                often                              your health.
           in a careful way, especially in           Drinking water frequently during
           order to avoid danger, mistakes,         the day helps prevent dry         limiting (adj)
           or risks                           mouth.                         preventing any improvement or
             The nurse moved cautiously to                                   increase in something
             avoid waking up the patient.    futile (adj)                      The shortage of medical
                                            unsuccessful; useless              facilities can be a limiting
            condition (n)                     Sue’s futile attempts to ease           factor in rural areas.
           a medical problem that one has          her pain without painkillers
           for a long time                    made it worse.
             Jill suffers from a rare condition
             that affects her nervous system.

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