Page 45 - Vo
P. 45


 E. Complete the table below with the correct forms of the words.  H. Study the words and their meanings. Then use these words to complete the sentences below.
            from                                              onto / on to
        [1] starting at a particular time or location      [1] to a place or position on
             We walked from the medical centre to the bus stop.    The patient climbed onto / on to the stretcher.
        [2] having an origin in                            [2] fully aware of; informed about
             Our medical director is from Egypt.                Health authorities are onto the pandemic’s origins.
        [3] clear of; off                                     with
             The hospital is a long way from the coastal area.    [1] using; by means of
        [4] because of                                          Doctors listen to patients with a stethoscope.
             The patient cried from pain as he moved.      [2] having
            around                                            Specialists with great experience can be hard to find.
        [1] on each side of                                [3] in the possession of
             We built the dialysis centre around a central garden.          Leave your ID card with the hospital receptionist.
        [2] to all parts of                                [4] on the side of
             The patient walked around the hospital in slow steps.     I am with those who favour healthy lifestyle choices.
        [3] near                                           [5] in opposition to; against
              Are there any pharmacies around here?              Doctors wish to struggle with infectious diseases.
        [4] approximately                                  [6] in the company of
             These types of medicines typically cost around $10.    I attend medical conferences with my co-workers.
           underneath                                      [7] regarding; concerning
                                                                 Paediatricians are very good with little children.
        [1] directly below
             Write your name underneath the last line on the form.    [8] because of (an emotion)
                                                              The patient smiled with delight at the good news.
        [2] on the lower surface of
             We detected a hidden infection underneath the nail.    [9] alongside
        [3] covered or hidden by                              Caregivers walk with patients every day.
                                                         [10] according to; in the opinion of
             There is a healing wound underneath the bandage.
                                                                With dentists, regular dental check-ups are essential.
        [4] as opposed to
             Underneath his healthy look, Ned was terribly sick.  [11] at the same time as; immediately after
                                                                You should take your medication with breakfast.
        [5] in a lower position than
              Doctors are underneath the chief medical officer.  [12] in relation to; in proportion to
                                                              Bone density tends to decrease with individuals’ age.
            during                                       [13] in a manner using or showing
        [1] from the beginning to the end of
                                                              The nurse handled the emergency with great skill.
              A team of experts helped us during the surgery.  [14] in the same direction as
        [2] at some particular time in                        Blood cells generally flow with the circulation.
             Vaccination rates increase during the flu season.
                                                         [15] in spite of
                                                              With its limitations, the treatment plan is still effective.

           1.   It can be helpful to consult a yoga practitioner __________ a certificate for professional guidance.
           2.   The patient was __________ the whole procedure thanks to her doctor’s detailed explanation.
           3.   The old lady could not sleep well __________ the constant noises in the hospital hallway.
           4.   Drinking enough water is essential __________ the summer to avoid heat-related illnesses.
           5.   The surgeon successfully performed the heart operation __________ modern medical equipment.
           6.   Sometimes, taking a short walk __________ a park is enough to clear the mind and feel energised.
           7.   __________ his serious expression, the doctor is kind and caring towards his patients.
           8.   The effectiveness of pain relief medications may differ __________ your body’s response.
           9.   In the hospital’s nutrition department, dietitians are __________ the head nutritionist.
           10.  When paramedics stepped __________ the accident scene, they first began treating the injured.
           11.  The therapeutic techniques in this wellness programme are __________ ancient traditions.

           12.  It takes __________ thirty minutes to beneficially practise a meditation session for stress relief.

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