Page 48 - Vo
P. 48


    ENGLISH  1.   Some bacteria can develop ---- to antibiotics,   6.   ---- levels of vitamin D can weaken bones and
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

            and this makes  them harder to  control and
            cure.                                               make us more vulnerable to infections and
            A) resistance                                       A) Detectable
            B) caution                                          B) Accompanying
            C) effectiveness                                    C) Precautionary
            D) detection                                        D) Inadequate
            E) disorder                                         E) Substantial

        2.   Every person should regularly wear sunscreen   7.   People with ---- diseases, like chronic bronchitis,
            as  a  ----  against  the  harmful  effects  of  UV   may benefit from rehabilitation programmes to
            radiation.                                          increase lung function.
            A) threat                                           A) ineffective
            B) limitation                                       B) respiratory
            C) precaution                                       C) scented
            D) scent                                            D) resistible
            E) precedent                                        E) breakable

        3.   Unhealthy  eating  habits  might  contribute  to   8.   Before  you  take  a  new  medicine,  you  need  to
            digestive ---- and have an impact on overall        be ---- about its active ingredients to avoid a
            health.                                             possible allergic reaction.

            A) medications                                      A) cautious
            B) substances                                       B) treatable
            C) reversals                                        C) futile
            D) conditions                                       D) limiting
            E) similarities                                     E) reversible

        4.   Effective  ----  requires  a  correct  diagnosis,   9.   Only  ----  qualified  professionals  can  prescribe
            the right medicine or therapy, and regular          suitable  medicines  for  complex  health
            monitoring and follow-up.                           conditions.
            A) supplement                                       A) frequently
            B) nutrition                                        B) instantly
            C) intake                                           C) medically
            D) respiration                                      D) slightly
            E) treatment                                        E) diversely

        5.   The ---- information at the end of the medical   10.   You should not consume sugary snacks ----, as
            textbook provides extra details on childhood        their regular intake can lead to dental problems.
                                                                A) constantly
            A) conditional                                      B) similarly
            B) passing                                          C) disorderly
            C) preceding                                        D) threateningly
            D) prominent                                        E) effectively
            E) supplementary

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