Page 46 - Vo
P. 46


    ENGLISH  I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                1. The medication started
                                                                             5. Researchers believe that
                                              3. Stress can weaken the
                                                                              a breakthrough in diabetes
                                               immune system, so it may
                 showing positive effects from
                 the very first, and Joe has
                 been feeling better since then.  lead to catching colds or   treatment is just around the
                                                                              corner; it will be a source of
                                               infections from time to time.
                                                                              hope for many patients.
                2. Surgeons cannot do         4. Dedicated nurses and doctors     6. With respect to nutrition,
                 operations from scratch; the   work around the clock for     a balanced diet with fruits,
                 surgery room must be ready    patients in the intensive care   vegetables, and protein-rich
                 with the needed equipment.    unit.                          foods is essential for staying

                a. without any prepared       c. about; concerning           e. without any earlier events or
                 ingredients, materials, or                                   causes; from the beginning
                b. occasionally; now and then    d. coming very soon         f.  all day and all night

        J. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                 around             during              from            underneath            with

          If you want to have a balanced and healthy lifestyle, you must pay attention to your physical health, well-being, and
          sleep. Many people achieve wellness (1) _____________ regular exercise, such as yoga or meditation, to help
          relax and reduce stress. You can connect with your inner self (2) _____________ these activities and feel calm
          throughout the session. A healthy, well-balanced diet also improves general health by giving the body the necessary
          nutrients to keep it functioning optimally.
          A group of caring people (3) _____________ you is another important thing for your health. Having friends and
          family on your side at every stage of life can bring joy and emotional help. In addition to your loved ones’ care,
          natural elements, (4) _____________ herbal teas to essential oils, offer physical and emotional benefits. Adding
          these natural treatments to your daily routine can help you keep a sense of balance and calmness.
        K. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                adversely            avoid           detrimental         disorder            robust

           Sleep is an essential element of our overall well-being. Developing regular and healthy sleep habits is extremely
           important. Troubles with the sleeping routine and quality can have (1) _____________ effects on both physical
           and mental health. Inadequate sleep is a common concern for a lot of people because it may lead to many kinds
           of problems. It may lower your mood, productivity, and ability to think clearly. Creating a sleep-friendly atmosphere
           is a must to (2) _____________ those negative results and ensure a good night’s rest. Some behaviours, such as
           excessive screen time before bed, may indirectly cause sleep failure. Constant or sudden noise may also result in
           frequent awakenings, and light may (3) _____________ affect the regulation of sleep-wake cycles. So, it is crucial
           to recognise the signs of a sleep (4) _____________ as soon as possible and solve them to stave off long-term

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