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medication (n) pull through (phr v) slightly (adv)
medicine that one takes to heal to become well again after a a little
an illness dangerous illness or difficult time A bad night’s sleep can make
There are many medications for As the surgery was successful, you feel slightly tired the next
controlling high blood pressure. doctors expected the patient to day.
pull through.
nutritious (adj) stave off (phr v)
efficient and good as food; resistance (n) to prevent the occurrence of
nourishing the act of fighting against something bad
Nuts and yoghurt are nutritious someone or something Taking short breaks at work can
and delicious options for You need to develop resistance help you stave off tiredness
a healthy snack. to infections. and feel refreshed.
overcome (v) respiration (n) substance (n)
to fix and control a problem or the action of breathing material with particular physical
feeling The doctor monitored Tim’s characteristics
Individuals can overcome respiration rate to check his Fruits and vegetables have
illnesses and stay healthy lung function. healthy substances that keep
with good self-care. your body strong.
result in (phr v)
pass on (phr v) to cause a particular situation to supplement (v)
to transfer something to somebody, happen to add something to something
especially genes or a disease Lack of exercise can result in else to improve it
Genetic testing can show the muscle weakness. My parents supplement their
possibility of passing on diets with omega-3 fatty acids
diseases to your kids. reverse (v) for heart health.
to change something to an
precaution (n) opposite state or condition threaten (v)
something that one does so that Healthy choices can reverse the to present a danger; to jeopardise
bad things will not happen impact of bad lifestyle habits on Eating too much sugary food
Taking precautions like washing well-being. can threaten your health.
hands helps prevent the spread
of germs. robust (adj) treatment (n)
strong; healthy the things that a doctor tries to
precede (v) My grandmother is robust and make a sick person well again
to happen or come before active thanks to her healthy The doctor gave antibiotics as
someone or something lifestyle. treatment for the infection.
A healthy breakfast should
precede a busy day to scent (n) unexpectedly (adv)
provide energy. a pleasant smell in a way that was not considered
Aromatherapy frequently uses possible; surprisingly
prominently (adv) lavender oil because of its Healing results were
in a way that is easy to see or calming scent. unexpectedly high after
notice the new treatment.
The medicine bottle prominently similar (adj)
displays the warning label for the same in some ways, but not work out (phr v)
better visibility. completely to do exercises to keep the body
These two medicines are strong and healthy
properly (adv) similar; they both help with pain. Dylan works out at the gym
well or correctly every day to improve his
You should follow the doctor’s physical fitness.
directions properly for a full