Page 42 - Vo
P. 42


    ENGLISH  A. Circle the correct words or phrases in the sentences below.

           1.   Stress and sleep disorders can have a constant / detrimental effect on overall wellness and may lead to
              various health problems over time.
           2.   Inadequate / Similar water intake may disrupt vital bodily functions and make it harder for the body to fight
              against infections.
           3.   Regular dental care routines, such as daily brushing and flossing, are crucial for teeth to become robust /
              excessive and to prevent dental issues.
           4.   Engaging in futile / diverse wellness activities, such as yoga and meditation, contributes to one’s quality of life
              and supports physical and mental health.
           5.   A nutritious / limiting and well-balanced diet is necessary to build endurance, strength, and the body’s natural
              healing capabilities.
           6.   Not warming up before intense physical activity may slightly / adversely affect muscle functions and increase
              the risk of injuries during workouts.
           7.   Practising relaxation techniques unexpectedly / frequently, like deep breathing exercises, helps stress
              management and improves mental well-being.
           8.   Including stretching exercises in a routine may not instantly / effectively result in flexibility, but it gradually
              boosts the body’s adaptability.

           9.   Individuals should definitely consult experts before using herbal supplements and prominently / cautiously
              include them in their health routines.
           10.  Applying hygiene practices, like handwashing, properly / indirectly is a key step to prevent the spread of
              infectious diseases.
        B. Complete the sentences with the words given below.

                            break down              bring down                get over

                  give up                keep up                pass on              pull through

                             result in               stave off               work out

           1.   With the help of his family and a proper recovery plan, Lucas was able to _____________ the operation
           2.   Parents with a family history of asthma might _____________ this respiratory condition to their children.
           3.   Helen had a terrible accident last week, but her strong will and the medical team’s efforts helped her
              _____________ in a short time.
           4.   Skipping regular health check-ups may _____________ undetected health problems and increase the risk of
              developing serious diseases.
           5.   ‘Green exercise’ is a great way to _____________, as it combines the benefits of physical fitness and nature on
              mental well-being.
           6.   Bad eating habits and a poor lifestyle may _____________ the body’s immune defences and increase
              vulnerability to illnesses.
           7.   As packaged food has a lot of additives and loses its nutritional value over time, one should _____________
              consuming it regularly.
           8.   You can _____________ your physical strength with the help of endurance activities like jogging, cycling, and
           9.   Spending time outside more often and engaging in relaxing hobbies are helpful ways to _____________ your
              anxiety level.
           10.  Eating a healthy diet, having an active life, and getting enough sleep can _____________ ageing.

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