Page 43 - Vo
P. 43


        C. Choose the correct option.

           1.   Asthma is a chronic respiratory ----, and it causes inflammation, narrowing airways, and breathing difficulties.
               a) precaution            b) condition         c) substance

           2.   Excessive coffee ---- can cause sleep problems and stop your body from healing and repairing itself while you
               a) treatment             b) respiration       c) intake

           3.   Vaccines are a form of ----; they prevent certain diseases and develop body resistance by strengthening the
               immune system.
               a) medication            b) scent             c) disorder

           4.   Physical and mental strength help the body develop ---- to diseases or recover from illnesses much more quickly.
               a) substance             b) resistance        c) condition

           5.   People commonly use the ---- of eucalyptus oil to clear nasal passages, ease breathing difficulties, and alleviate
               sinus pressure.
               a) disorder              b) precaution        c) scent

        D. Replace the words and phrases in bold with one of the words given below. Change the form
           if necessary.

                            accompany                alleviate                 avoid

                   boost                 detect                overcome               precede

                             reverse                supplement                threaten

           1.   Vaccination and proper hand hygiene can help stave off the spread of infectious diseases in a
              community. ________________
           2.   Physical therapy exercises can assist patients in coping with muscle weaknesses, and they can improve their
              mobility gradually. ________________
           3.   Inflammation and a high fever may come before some diseases and be early signs of problems with the immune
              system. ________________
           4.   Vitamin C-rich foods can improve the body’s defence mechanism and reduce the risk of the common cold and
              infections. ________________
           5.   When one has a migraine, symptoms like nausea and disturbance by light often come together with the pain.
           6.   Drinking excessive amounts of sugary beverages can cause harm to dental health and lead to the development
              of cavities. ________________
           7.   As vegans do not consume animal products, they enrich their meals with plant-based sources of essential
              nutrients. ________________
           8.   Treatment of certain eye conditions in the early stages can help slow down or even oppositely change the
              direction of vision loss. ________________
           9.   Periodic dental check-ups are important to notice early signs of gum disease and other oral health conditions.
           10.  Regular exercise and a balanced diet reduce and relieve symptoms of many chronic diseases, such as heart
              disease and diabetes. ________________

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