Page 47 - Vo
P. 47


 I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.  L. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given below.

                cautiously         excessive          nutritious        supplement        unexpectedly

           A dietary (1) _____________ is a complementary product and it provides beneficial substances for an individual’s
           regular diet. This can be some kind of vitamin, mineral, or any other (2) _____________. More and more people use
           them day by day; however, it is critical to stay informed about these items.
           While these products can offer benefits, they may also have (3) _____________ reactions or side effects. Taking
           certain vitamins and minerals, such as fat-soluble ones like iron, (4) _____________ can cause toxicity and harmful
           health outcomes. Additionally, depending merely on them without a balanced diet may contribute to nutritional
           imbalances. It is essential for individuals to be (5) _____________ and aware of the recommended dosage and their
           possible effects. They should consult healthcare professionals when they are not sure. A well-informed viewpoint and
           a balanced diet can help people get the most out of them and lower the risk of adverse effects.

        M.  Read the dialogues below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                   Anna: Your mood is good today. What’s           Eva: Hey Gina, I heard that you were ill a
                         your secret to positive energy?                 few days ago. How are you feeling
                   Tom: I’ve been focusing on my wellness
                                                                   Gina: Hi, Eva. Yeah, I caught an awful flu.
                         and health lately. I’ve started
                                                                         But I’m very well now. Thanks for
                         exercising regularly.
              a                                              c
                   Anna: That’s fantastic! I can see you have      Eva: Oh, I’m glad to hear that. How did
                         a spring in your step. How did you              you manage to recover in such a
                         get into this wellness routine?                 short time?
                                                                   Gina: Well, I followed the doctor’s advice,
                   Tom: I learned to care about my physical
                                                                         took some medicine, and now, I’m
                         and mental well-being.
                                                                         as fit as a flea.

                    Lisa: My shoulder has been bothering me        Lary: Hey, you don’t look so well today.
                         since I injured it last year.                   What’s going on?

                    Mila: I’m sorry to hear that. Have you         Ash: Yeah, I’ve been feeling a bit under
                         seen a doctor since then?                       the weather lately. I’m sneezing

                    Lisa: The doctor says I have to go under             constantly.
              b          the knife. It’s not ideal, but the pain   d  Lary: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. It can
                         is unbearable.                                  really affect your energy. Have you
                                                                         seen a doctor?
                    Mila: Don’t worry about that. It sounds
                         hard, but sometimes, you need             Ash: Not yet, but if it continues, I might
                         to struggle with challenges to see              visit a doctor. I’ve just been trying to
                         good results.                                   recover with herbal supplements.

            1.  very healthy and strong                                     ________
            2.  being unwell, especially with a cold                                     ________
            3.  a happy, confident, and enthusiastic mood or manner                                      ________
            4.  to have surgery or an operation                             ________

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