Page 53 - Vo
P. 53


        11.   Poor cleaning practices in hospitals can easily   16.   ---- the sea, scuba divers discover shipwrecks,
            ---- medical equipment and increase the risk of     hidden caves, and colourful marine life ---- their
            infection.                                          equipment.
            A) contaminate                                      A) Around / against
            B) overcome                                         B) Above / without
            C) intensify                                        C) Below / from
            D) dedicate                                         D) Underneath / with
            E) accompany                                        E) Beneath / besides

        12.   Participating  in  dance  classes  is  a  fantastic   17.   ---- enough sleep, individuals may feel tired and
            way to ---- energy and have fun at the same         stressed at high levels ---- the day.
                                                                A) Without / during
            A) reverse                                          B) Between / via
            B) boost                                            C) Below / of
            C) repeat                                           D) With / after
            D) threaten                                         E) Besides / onto
            E) encounter

        13.   Visitors  must  ----  the  beach  during  sea  turtle   18.   The  farm’s  irrigation  system  draws  water  ----
            breeding season to protect the nesting areas.       the nearby river ---- a series of canals and then
                                                                distributes it to the fields.
            A) call off
            B) fill out                                         A) alongside / off
            C) account for                                      B) about / underneath
            D) keep off                                         C) from / via
            E) break down                                       D) across / after
                                                                E) besides / above

        14.   Researchers  ----  the  relationship  between   19.   Chess is a kind ---- board game and a great way
            excessive sugar consumption and certain             to enjoy friendly competition ---- players.
            diseases to learn more about it.
                                                                A) onto / against
            A) cut off                                          B) from / with
            B) keep up                                          C) during / across
            C) pull through                                     D) off / via
            D) result in                                        E) of / between
            E) look into

        15.   The  lead  guitarist  decided  to  ----  playing  in   20.   Bees fly as far as 5 miles ---- their hive and then
            the band since he wanted to work as a solo          move ---- the flowers of plants to collect pollen
            musician.                                           and nectar.

            A) give up                                          A) around / between
            B) work out                                         B) off / onto
            C) take away                                        C) beneath / of
            D) look for                                         D) across / alongside
            E) run out                                          E) above / during

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