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    ENGLISH      to cause pain or trouble to              construct (v)            eventually (adv)
            afflict (v)
                                                                             in the end
                                            to build or make something
            somebody or something
                                                                               After long discussions, the
                                              The ancient Egyptians
              In 1918, the Spanish flu afflicted

                                                                               unite their powers.
                                              religious purposes.
              more than a third of the world’s         constructed pyramids for          leaders eventually agreed to
                                             counter (v)                      exactly (adv)
            apparent (adj)                  to act in opposition to something     in a complete and correct way
           easy to see or understand          The king’s advisor countered          Experts look into the bones of
             It is apparent from ancient tools         the new policy, as he had an           ancient animals to exactly
             that farming methods changed         alternative solution.        determine their age.
             over time.
                                             cultivation (n)                  excavation (n)
            break out (phr v)               the use of land for growing plants     the act of digging in the ground to
           (of war, fighting, or other           The cultivation of wheat was the       discover very old objects
           unpleasant events) to start         main agricultural activity in        Excavations around the
           suddenly                           Anatolia.                        pyramids revealed several
             World War I broke out in 1914                                     hidden chambers.
             and impacted millions of         deploy (v)
             people’s lives.                to move soldiers or equipment to      expansion (n)
                                            make them ready to use           the act of making something
            catastrophic (adj)                The commander deployed his        bigger in size, number, or amount
           causing sudden and big harm or         army alongside the enemy’s        The expansion of trade routes
           destruction                        border.                          allowed people to access goods
             The catastrophic flood ruined                                     from different regions.
             the historical monument.        derive from (phr v)
                                            to come or develop from something    exposure (n)
            collapse (n)                      The principles of democracy         the fact of experiencing something
           the sudden failure of a system,           derive from ancient Greek       new or different
           organisation, business, etc.       political philosophy.            Exposure to traditional artworks
             The collapse of the Roman                                         in museums increases cultural
             Empire was a result of economic      devastation (n)              understanding.
             weakening.                     when severe conditions like war
                                            or extreme weather affect a place    go away (phr v)
            compile (v)                       The war brought widespread         to leave a person or place
           to make a book, list, etc. by            devastation to the city and left         After the Turkish nation’s
           collecting information             buildings in ruins.              victory, the enemy forces had
             Art historians compiled some                                      to go away.
             facts for a book on famous      drastically (adv)
             paintings.                     in a way that can have a strong or      gorgeous (adj)
                                            serious effect                    very beautiful or attractive
            confidential (adj)                The Industrial Revolution           Ancient Greece left behind
           secret or private                  drastically changed traditional          gorgeous examples of classical
             A confidential document            production methods.            architecture.
             uncovered the secrets of
             ancient rulers.                 draw on (phr v)                  hardly (adv)
                                            to use a supply of something as a       almost not
            consecutively (adv)             source                             The archaeologist had hardly
           in a way that follows one after          The early Mesopotamians drew         seen such well-preserved
           another in a continuous series       on rivers to irrigate their crops.       ancient artefacts before.
             Powerful rulers consecutively
             governed ancient China.         end up (phr v)
                                             to finally be in a particular place
                                             or situation
                                              After the last battle, the empire
                                              ended up losing a lot of land.

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