Page 60 - Vo
P. 60


    ENGLISH  A. Circle the correct words or phrases in the sentences below.

           1.  The ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii have afflicted / remained thanks to the protective layer of volcanic ash.
           2.  Ancient Egyptians carried massive stones and granite blocks from nearby sites and shaped them to construct /
              compile the pyramids.
           3.   Babylonian communities migrated / vanished seasonally as a strategy to access water sources for their
              agricultural needs.
           4.   The Inca civilisation countered / inhabited the Andes Mountains, and then they cultivated fields to build
              gorgeous mountain cities.
           5.   Atatürk deployed / surrounded his troops in the south of Aleppo and stopped the advancing British forces in
              the autumn of 1918.
           6.   When the Great Depression broke out / went away, people moved to cities for jobs, and this brought a drastic
              change in lifestyle.
           7.   Mesopotamian city-states often had conflicts and used military strategies to look to / take over fertile lands
              along the rivers.
           8.   The Mayans drew on / pulled down astronomy to create complex calendars, and they built big structures
              according to the events in the sky.
           9.   In the Trojan War, the commanders did not end up / turn down Odysseus’ plan for a wooden horse, and this
              led to the fall of Troy.
           10. The term ‘culture’ derives from / reflects on the Latin word ‘cultura’, and it originally meant the cultivation of land.
        B. Complete the sentences with the words given below.

                           consecutively            drastically              eventually

                  exactly                 hardly                initially             roughly

                            separately             undoubtedly                widely

           1.   Although the ancient city’s population is not known for sure, archaeologists can _____________ calculate it from
              historical sources.
           2.   In the study of history, documenting events _____________ as they occur ensures a true representation of the
              past for future generations.
           3.   Analysing artefacts is _____________ the best method to uncover history because no other way offers
              unquestionably more direct ties to our past.
           4.   Many Ottoman sultans ruled the empire _____________, one after the other, in a continuous and unbroken line
              of succession.
           5.   Despite the irregular flooding of the Nile River, the ancient Egyptians _____________ learned to predict and use
              the floods for farming.
           6.   Ancient civilisations _____________ used simple tools for farming, but over time, those tools improved as
              agricultural practices developed.
           7.   Mesopotamians’ clever city management methods were _____________ known to distant cultures, but their
              contributions affected the future greatly.
           8.   Ancient Greece and Egypt were on different continents, but each contributed to developing philosophy, art, and
              architecture _____________.
           9.   The Sumerian city of Ur grew from a small town into a big city-state, as its population _____________ increased
              to over 65,000.
           10.  Early civilisations _____________ used iron from tools to weapons, and that caused great changes in agriculture
              and construction.

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