Page 64 - Vo
P. 64


    ENGLISH  I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                1. As of next month, our
                                              3. As we learn more about
                                                                             5. Early humans discovered fire,
                                                                              and before long, it became
                                               ancient cultures, we will
                 conversations in class will be
                 about the consequences of
                 the Industrial Revolution.    understand the changes in      a crucial part of the growth of
                                                                              communal life.
                                               language and architecture,
                                               among other things.
                2. Daisy spent a great deal of     4. The group needs to work     6. Archaeologists found artefacts
                 time studying old cultures and   among themselves to         all around at random during
                 communities because she       understand the ancient         the excavation of an ancient
                 was into history through and   civilisations in Mesoamerica.  city.

                a. in every aspect; completely    c. beginning on; on and after    e. with each other

                b. without a particular method,     d. in the near future; soon    f.  in addition to the points that
                 pattern, or purpose                                          one has not specifically

        J. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                 among                as               beyond              into             towards

          The Hittite Empire was one of the earliest and most influential civilisations in the ancient Near East. They originated
          from an Indo-European people who migrated to Anatolia and assimilated the native Hatti culture. The empire
          expanded through Syria and Mesopotamia and competed with other powers, such as Egypt and Mitanni.
          (1) _____________ the most famous Hittite kings, Suppiluliuma I conquered Mitanni and created a union with Egypt.

          The Hittites had a complex legal system with various rules and regulations about property rights, marriage, and
          crime. These are known (2) _____________ the Hittite laws. They were also (3) _____________ ironworking and
          cuneiform writing. Unfortunately, fighting within the empire and attacks from other countries caused its downfall. Yet,
          their cultural impact has reached (4) _____________ their borders and their time, and it has left a lasting legacy in
          the region.

        K. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                 initially         primitive           roughly          subsequent          surround

           Göbeklitepe, a Neolithic site near Şanlıurfa, is one of the world’s oldest historical structures. It dates back to
           (1) _____________ 9600–9500 BCE. Historians describe it as the ‘zero point of history’. It consists of a series of
           large, circular structures with some of the oldest stone pillars in history.

           The site has two tall standing stones in the centre, and ten T-shaped stones (2) _____________ them in a circular
           layout. Carvings on these stones have a composition and mostly show humans, hands, arms, various animals, and
           abstract symbols. Bull, wild boar, fox, snake, wild duck, and vulture are common animal motifs. According to experts,
           all those (3) _____________ motifs in the compositions tell a story or try to give messages. Most archaeologists
           (4) _____________ thought that in the excavation site, there was a religious structure for hunter-gatherers.
           However, recent excavations have uncovered domestic structures and water supply systems. Today, they think of
           Göbeklitepe as a settlement that belonged to late hunter-gatherer groups with close ties to agriculture.

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