Page 65 - Vo
P. 65


 I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.  L. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given below.

                apparent           cultivation        drastically        expansion           migrate

           Farming was an important part of the civilisations’ development and success. Mesopotamia, with its
           (1) _____________ lands along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, facilitated widespread agricultural growth in the
           past. They demonstrated an outstanding ability to (2) _____________ the land with a high-level agricultural system.
           The inhabitants were, (3) _____________, very good at irrigation and farming techniques. They also understood the
           importance of leaving fields unplanted to let the land rest and restore.

           Over time, the region saw waves of (4) _____________ from different areas, and that led to cultural exchange
           and a mixture of diverse traditions. This population movement ultimately contributed to the wealth of culture within
           Mesopotamian civilisations. So, they experienced (5) _____________ changes due to their interactions with various
           peoples and cultures.

        M.  Read the dialogues below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                   Zach: I think it’s fascinating to learn about   Paul: Have you heard of the Great
                         the past and people’s lives in                  Depression? They say the times
                         different times and places.                     were really difficult.
                    Sue: Me, too. I’m into ancient
                                                                    Joy: Absolutely. My family struggled a
                         communities and their cultures,
                                                                         lot. My grandpa lost his bakery.
                         especially the Roman Empire.
              a                                              c     Paul: That’s too bad. How did they
                   Zach: Their architectural achievements
                                                                         overcome it?
                         and political systems were
                         captivating, weren’t they?                 Joy: Well, they were there for each other
                    Sue: Yes, they definitely went down in               and worked as a team. That’s water
                         history as one of the most powerful             under the bridge now. We’ve
                         civilisations of all time.                      rebuilt our lives.

                    Eve: I believe the ancient Maya                Finn: Do you find studying history
                         civilisation was one of the most                enjoyable?
                         highly developed in history.
                                                                   Lois: Yes, I do. I think it’s very exciting
                     Ivy: I agree. Their accomplishments
                                                                         and educational.
                         in astronomy, mathematics, and
                         architecture were truly incredible.       Finn: I totally agree with you. What’s your
              b                                              d
                    Eve: But they also faced challenges like             favourite time and place in history?
                         political unrest and warfare, and all
                                                                   Lois: I respect Samurai. They were very
                         of these impacted their society.
                                                                         brave. I’d love to turn back the
                     Ivy: Indeed. They couldn’t keep their
                                                                         hands of time and join them on
                         internal conflicts in check and
                                                                         their adventures.
                         eventually collapsed.

            1.  to hold something under control                                  ________
            2.  events that are in the past and are no longer worth worrying about    ________
            3.  to recount, recreate, or return to the past                                                ________
            4.  to be a significant person or event that future generations will remember       ________

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