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        11.   Scholars  think  it  took  the  ancient  Egyptians   16.   By ---- a huge network of roads and bridges, the
            ---- two decades to build the pyramids with         Roman Empire facilitated trade across its vast
            amazing technical skills.                           territories.
            A) devastatingly                                    A) inhabiting
            B) impartially                                      B) compiling
            C) roughly                                          C) remaining
            D) widely                                           D) constructing
            E) afflictively                                     E) deploying

        12.   The ancient philosopher initially faced doubts   17.   Most  modern  agricultural  techniques  ----
            about his original ideas but ---- gained common     the centuries-old farming practices of early
            acceptance.                                         civilisations.

            A) exactly                                          A) look to
            B) impermanently                                    B) go away
            C) eventually                                       C) derive from
            D) hardly                                           D) pull down
            E) constructively                                   E) reflect on

        13.   In ancient history, Alexander the Great planned   18.   In  1871,  a  disastrous  fire  ----  in  Chicago  and
            to ---- the Persian Empire and establish his own    left  almost  one-third  of  the  city’s  population
            empire.                                             homeless.
            A) afflict                                          A) turned down
            B) invade                                           B) broke out
            C) cultivate                                        C) ended up
            D) initiate                                         D) took over
            E) intervene                                        E) drew on

        14.   Civilisations  ----  to  new  areas  in  search  of   19.   Many  nations  tried  to  ----  Constantinople,  but
            better resources and opportunities or to            its strong defences kept them from succeeding
            escape conflicts and disasters.                     until 1453.

            A) separate                                         A) go away
            B) confide                                          B) reflect on
            C) remain                                           C) turn down
            D) vanish                                           D) break out
            E) migrate                                          E) take over

        15.   The team plans to ---- the site next week to find   20.   Despite considerable efforts, the disagreement
            artefacts and gather more information about         between the two tribes ---- starting a conflict
            its historical importance.                          over territory.
            A) excavate                                         A) ended up
            B) counter                                          B) derived from
            C) expand                                           C) drew on
            D) devastate                                        D) looked to
            E) negotiate                                        E) pulled down

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