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P. 63


 E. Complete the table below with the correct forms of the words.  H. Study the words and their meanings. Then use these words to complete the sentences below.
            through                                          towards
        [1] from one end to the other of                 [1] in the direction of
             We walked through a pine forest to the ancient ruins.       Warriors marched towards the battlefield.
        [2] all of                                       [2] in relation to; with regard to
              Historians searched through the rich archives.       The ruler was respectful towards his advisors.
        [3] here and there in; around                    [3]  just before; near
              Loreen took a tour through Egypt’s ancient sites.        Enemy forces pulled back towards nightfall.
        [4] as a result of; by means of                  [4] as a contribution or help to
             The empire expanded through wise governance.       The funds will go towards conserving artefacts.
        [5] from the beginning to the end of; during         at
             The classical scholars worked through the week.  [1] on, near, or by the time of
        [6] done / finished with (especially successfully)       The archaeological excavation began at sunrise.
             Our team is through the initial stages of excavation.  [2] in or near the location of
            among                                              The historian lives at the edge of the small town.
        [1] in the middle of or surrounded by            [3] in the state or condition of
             The king moved about among his people.         The country was at war with its neighbours.
        [2] in shares to each of                         [4] in the activity or field of
             The queen divided the empire among her three sons.        The Mayans were highly skilled at astronomy.
        [3] one of                                       [5] to or with the rate, extent, or amount of
             Shireen is among the real experts on early history.        The wheel helped the ancients travel at high speed.
           before                                            as
        [1] earlier than                                 [1] in the role, capacity, or function of
             Write your essay on the Incas before the deadline.        I work at a local history museum as a digital archivist.
        [2] in front of                                  [2] during the time of being; when
              Archaeologists agreed to gather before the ruins.        King Tut had a very challenging life as a child.
        [3] in the future of                                into
            A promising career stretched out before the historian.  [1] to the inside of
           beyond                                             Visitors went into the palace one after another.
        [1] on or to the further side of                 [2] in the direction of
             The ancient temple is just beyond that riverbank.        The archaeologist pointed into the ancient cave.
        [2] later than; after                            [3] against
              Few empires could endure beyond several centuries.       The conquerors marched into enemy forces.
        [3] other than                                   [4] forming (several parts); in or to the form of
             The findings reveal nothing beyond past research.        Scholars divide Roman history into three periods.
        [4] outside the range or limits of               [5] interested in
              Manuscripts are beyond the reach of non-scholars.        Eve has been really into ancient civilisations lately.

           1.   The community directed its efforts __________ protecting historical sites for future generations.
           2.   Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is __________ the greatest leaders and military geniuses in world history.
           3.   Some linguists are experts __________ translating old texts and finding grammatical changes.
           4.   Historians categorise societies __________ periods of rise and fall and provide the causes.
           5.   The excavation in the region uncovered nothing __________ some broken pottery.
           6.   Nomadic tribes migrated __________ the south in search of food and opportunities for settlement.
           7.   __________ the emergence of writing systems, early humans interacted through speech or signs.
           8.   The ruler distributed some of the war treasures __________ the victorious commanders.
           9.   Empires collapsed _________ economic difficulties, geopolitical changes, and domestic factors.
           10.  The expansion of the steam engine enabled the production of goods __________ a high rate.
           11.  Anthropologists can work _________ field observers to document indigenous traditions.
           12.  The ancient city’s ruins were hidden __________ the sight in the dense jungle for years.

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