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            impartial (adj)                  negotiation (n)                  settlement (n)
           refusing to choose any of the sides     a formal discussion between          a place where people come to live
             Türkiye did not take part in          sides to reach an agreement      The Mesopotamians
             World War II and stayed          The negotiations between            established agricultural
             impartial.                       the two countries aimed to find         settlements alongside rivers.
                                              a solution.
            indigenous (adj)                                                  subsequent (adj)
           coming originally from a particular      obsolete (adj)           coming after something
           place; native                    no longer in use; out of date      The book is about the Treaty of
             Oral traditions are very           Printed encyclopaedias have           Versailles and its subsequent
             important in indigenous          become obsolete in the age of         effects on global politics.
             Australian culture.              the Internet.
                                                                              surround (v)
            inhabit (v)                      permanent (adj)                 to stand on all sides of a place
           to live in a place               lasting for a long time or forever      The army of enemies
             Many civilisations, like the           Some communities did not have         surrounded the castle so the
             Sumerians, inhabited             permanent homes; they always         defenders could not escape.
             Mesopotamia.                     lived in different places.
                                                                              take over (phr v)
            initially (adv)                  primitive (adj)                 to take control of something
           at the beginning                 very simple; not developed         The king took over the city with
             Alexandria was initially a small         Early humans used primitive           his intelligence and military
             town, but it quickly became a         stone tools to hunt.        strategy.
             cultural centre.
                                             pull down (phr v)                turn down (phr v)
            intervention (n)                to destroy                       to not accept an offer or request
           the act of involving to improve or        The Ottomans used powerful          The queen turned down the
           help a situation                   cannons to pull down the walls         peace treaty because of the
             The diplomatic intervention of          of Constantinople.        bad terms in it.
             neighbouring nations ended
             the kingdoms’ war.              reflect on (phr v)               undoubtedly (adv)
                                            to influence people’s opinions of       in a certain way; definitely
            invasion (n)                    a person, group, etc.              The discovery of fire was
           the act of an army entering           The royal family’s expensive           undoubtedly the most important
           another country by force           lifestyle badly reflects on their          development in history.
             China built the Great Wall to           image.
             protect itself from northern                                     vanish (v)
             invasions.                      remain (v)                      to disappear suddenly
                                            to stay in the same way; to not          Some cities in history vanished
            look to (phr v)                 change                             because of natural disasters.
           to consider something and think         The chateau remained in good
           about how to make it better        shape even after centuries.     widely (adv)
             The ruler looked to ways of                                     by a lot of people; in or to many
             improving the city’s defences.    roughly (adv)                 places
                                            not exactly; more or less          With the spread of the printing
            migrate (v)                       Archaeologists believe that            press, books became widely
           to move from one country or            these clay tablets are roughly          available.
           place to another                   4,000 years old.
             During the Age of Exploration,
             many Europeans migrated to      separately (adv)
             the Americas.                  not together; singly
                                              Analysing historical eras
                                              separately helps us understand
                                              each period better.

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