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P. 61


        C. Choose the correct option.

           1.   The discovery of ancient tools and cave paintings provides important details about the ---- stages of human history.
               a) catastrophic            b) primitive       c) indigenous

           2.   The historian reported the events with an ---- perspective and presented facts without personal opinions.
               a) impartial             b) obsolete          c) apparent

           3.   The government kept the discovery of the ancient city ---- in order to protect the site’s historical artefacts.
               a) subsequent            b) confidential      c) apparent

           4.   The telegraph made traditional long-distance communication methods ---- and started a new era of quickly
               sharing information.
               a) permanent             b) impartial         c) obsolete

           5.   The volcanic eruption had ---- consequences for the ancient city by burying it under ash layers; this led to the
               city’s destruction.
               a) indigenous            b) gorgeous          c) catastrophic

        D. Replace the words and phrases in bold with one of the words given below. Change the form
           if necessary.

                             collapse                cultivation            devastation

                 excavation             expansion               exposure             intervention

                             invasion               negotiation              settlement

           1.   Germany’s military occupation of Poland in September 1939 led to the start of World War II in Europe.
           2.   Anthropologists study prehistoric living places and the structures of ancient civilisations to understand the
              development of human societies. ________________
           3.   The ongoing archaeological dig in the ruins of the old city has uncovered a Bronze Age burial site.
           4.   The downfall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD defined the end of an era for one of the most powerful
              empires in history. ________________
           5.   To end the war, the rulers of the two empires began a formal discussion to reach an agreement on trade,
              economic, and border security matters. ________________
           6.   Farmers in Çatalhöyük were mainly concerned with the practice of growing crops of wheat, barley, and peas.
           7.   Throughout history, the United Nations has solved many international conflicts thanks to its active involvement.
           8.   The Great Fire of London in 1666 caused widespread damage and destruction and resulted in significant urban
              reconstruction. ________________
           9.   One cannot understand every detail about historical events with limited opportunity to learn, so it is essential to
              dedicate a lot of time to key concepts. ________________
           10.  The Ottoman Empire experienced significant territorial growth from the Balkans to the Middle East throughout
               the 15  and 16  centuries. ________________

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