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    ENGLISH      something difficult that someone           challenge (v)        to suffer something difficult,
            accomplishment (n)
                                                                              endure (v)
                                            to test someone’s ability or skill
                                              Reaching the top of Mount
                                                                              unpleasant, or painful

            has succeeded in doing or
                                                                               The mountaineers endured
             Joe was mostly proud of his

             learning                         Everest challenged the climbers           extreme cold to reach the
             athletic accomplishments.                                         mountaintop.
                                             competitive (adj)
            acquire (v)                     wanting to win or be better than       essential (adj)
           to get or obtain something       other people                     very important and necessary
             While they are having fun, kids        John always becomes           Good running shoes are
             acquire knowledge about the           competitive during video        essential for making your jogs
             world around them.               games.                           less tiring.
            affordable (adj)                 concern (n)                      facility (n)
           not expensive                    something that is important to         a service, room, equipment,
             Playing board games at home     someone                         etc. that make it possible to do
             is one of the most affordable          Safety on playgrounds is a          something
             pastimes.                        common concern for parents.      The school recently opened a
                                                                               sports facility for students.
            arbitrarily (adv)                confidence (n)
           in a way that is based on chance,       the feeling that you can do     fill out (phr v)
           not reason                       something well                   to write all the information that is
             We could not choose which          The young actress has          needed on a document
             game to play, so we arbitrarily         confidence in her talents.      Participants must fill out a
             picked one from the pile.                                         number of forms to join
                                             cut off (phr v)                   the tournament.
            beneficial (adj)                to stop providing something
           having a good or useful effect      The sponsors want to cut off     firmly (adv)
             Spending time outdoors is            the football team’s funding.     in a solid or strong way
             beneficial to one’s physical and                                  You need to fasten the safety
             mental health.                  dedicated (adj)                   belt firmly before bungee
                                            giving a lot of energy, time, effort,         jumping.
            briefly (adv)                   etc. to something
           for a short time or by using a few         The dedicated dancer spent        gradually (adv)
           words                              years becoming perfect.        slowly, over a long period of time
             Ross explained the treasure                                       The team developed better
             hunt game briefly to the        differ (v)                        coordination gradually.
             children.                      to be different from something or
                                            someone else                      incredible (adj)
            call off (phr v)                  Scuba diving and snorkelling         impossible or very difficult to
           to cancel an event or agreement       differ in equipment and          believe
             The referee called off the match         techniques.              The surfer’s balance on the
             because of heavy rain.                                            board is incredible; he rides
                                             diligently (adv)                  huge waves.
            capability (n)                  with great care and a lot of effort
           the ability to do something        The athletes trained diligently       intend (v)
             The capability to play musical          for the Olympic Games.     to plan to do something
             instruments can add a lot of joy                                  The coach intends to improve
             to your leisure time.           encounter (v)                     the team’s defence this season.
                                            to meet someone or something
                                            (especially unpleasant)
                                              The Browns encountered a
                                              group of lions during the safari.

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