Page 110 - Vo
P. 110


    ENGLISH  I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                1. Public speakers often adjust
                                                                             5. Volunteers walk up and
                                              3. The professor’s approach to
                 their tone and pace for effect,
                                               solving societal problems,
                                                                              down the neighbourhood to
                 as they want the audience to
                 focus on them.                when it is compared to         identify disadvantaged people
                                                                              and deliver food and other
                                               traditional methods, is definitely
                                               out of the common.             supplies to them.
                2. When people get tired of     4. Governments must strengthen     6. Charity members were out of
                 the chaos of urban life, they   policies to promote sustainability.   heart with inadequate funds
                 often escape to nature for a   As for individuals, they should   for their project, but they were
                 change to get away from their   try to reduce their carbon   determined to find another
                 routine.                      footprint.                     way.

                a. when it comes to; regarding    c. in order to impress or attract     e. not usual or ordinary
                b. as something different from     d. unhappy and depressed;     f.  in every direction of;
                 the usual                     discouraged                    backwards and forwards along

        J. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                  down             following             for              inside             since

          Psychology is a well-established scientific discipline that explores the complexities of the human mind and
          behaviour. It has a profound impact on society, as it influences individuals and communities in many ways. It has
          been a distinct field of study (1) _____________ the late 19  century. Pioneers like Wilhelm Wundt established the
          first psychological laboratory in 1879, and this marked the beginning of the discipline. (2) _____________ this, it
          evolved and expanded into various branches.
          One significant branch of psychology is social psychology; it focuses on the ways that individuals think, feel, and
          behave (3) _____________ social groups. It studies a wide range of topics, such as social influence, attitudes,
          prejudice, group dynamics, conformity, and interpersonal relationships. The findings are crucial (4) _____________
          fostering harmony and cooperation among individuals and groups.

        K. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                 attitude         collaborative       confusing          mutually           undergo

           Society is not static, but rather dynamic, and it is constantly shaped by individuals’ actions, choices, and
           expressions. Each person has the ability to contribute to the development or transformation of society in different
           ways. For example, some people may have a(n) (1) _____________ approach to solving social problems. They
           work with others to find common solutions. Others may have a more critical (2) _____________, they question the
           current norms and ideals of society and put forward different ideas. Some individuals may engage in
           (3) _____________ beneficial exchanges with other members of society; this can result in the formation of social
           relationships and networks. Others may foster a sense of social responsibility and unity by caring about other
           people’s well-being and the common good. All individuals (4) _____________ socialisation and this involves learning
           the norms and values of society as well as shaping their identity and roles. Therefore, they are both the products and
           the producers of society.

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